[Interview with Studs Terkel about Nelson Algren]
Interview with Studs Terkel shot for the documentary “Nelson Algren: The End is Nothing, The Road is All,” produced by Mark Blottner, Ilko Davidov, and Denis Mueller.
Interview with Studs Terkel shot for the documentary “Nelson Algren: The End is Nothing, The Road is All,” produced by Mark Blottner, Ilko Davidov, and Denis Mueller.
Jeff Spitz’s demo for a Nelson Algren documentary featuring excerpts from Algren’s books, historical photographs, and interviews with Algren, Ben Curtis, Stuart Brent, and Art Shay.
Nelson Algren’s birthday party held by the Nelson Algren Committee at the Bop Shop, Chicago, March 22, 1991. The emcee is Warren Leming.
A documentary about author Nelson Algren. In the piece, various artists, journalists, and writers speak about Algren’s life, his literary work, and the importance of his writings in Chicago. Also features many photographs by Stephen Deutch and Art Shay.
A 1999 meeting of the Nelson Algren Committee, an organization dedicated to the preservation and proliferation of Algren’s memory and works in the literary world. A slew of celebrated Chicago media and political figures, some who were also friends of Algren’s (Studs Terkel, Leon Despres, and Art Shay), attend the meeting and say a few words about the importance of Algren’s work.