Home » Posts tagged 'Organic Theater'

  • Warp discussion, Part II

    Warp discussion, Part II

    This tape features footage of a conversation between writer Stuart Gordon, actor Cecil O’Neal, and writer Lenny Kleinfeld (who co-wrote the play under the pseudonym Bury St. Edmund), talking about the Broadway production of the Organic Theater’s “Warp.”

  • Warpathon II

    Warpathon II

    This tape features footage from a 1972 cast party after the closing of the Organic Theater’s Chicago production of “Warp.” A few months later, the production had a brief run on Broadway at the Ambassador Theater.

  • Warp discussion, Part I

    Warp discussion, Part I

    This tape features footage of the preparation for the opening of the Organic Theater’s “Warp” on Broadway at the Ambassador Theater. Writer Stuart Gordon, actor Cecil O’Neal, and writer Lenny Kleinfeld (who co-wrote the play under the pseudonym Bury St. Edmund) talk about the production and the process of transitioning it from Chicago to New York.

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