Home » Posts tagged 'politics' (Page 28)

  • Image union, episode 0520

    Image union, episode 0520

    Image Union episode #520. Featuring “Hon-Knee-Moon in Lower Manhattan” by David Robinson, “Delivery Man” by Emily Hubley, “Dirt” by Mike Connor and “Time’s T-Bone” by John J. McClintock.

  • Rostenkowski: The Man And The Power

    Rostenkowski: The Man And The Power

    This is an early fifteen minute sampler for the documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. The tape is full of anecdotes relating to the particular style of politics in Chicago and the man himself. This revealing tape shows us the phone calls, handshakes, and political deals that run this country.

  • [Peace march : Joe Cummings for WBBM Newsradio 78]

    [Peace march : Joe Cummings for WBBM Newsradio 78]

    WBBM Newsradio 78 (AM 780) report on a 1969 peace march in Chicago. Joe Cummings reports from State Street.  Audio only.

  • [Rostenkowski raw #117]

    [Rostenkowski raw #117]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. In this tape, Rostenkowski is on a United Airlines flight to Chicago. The plane lands, and Rostenkowski is greeted at the airport by a throng of reporters eager to question him about his new position as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

  • [Rostenkowski raw: New York Democratic convention #5]

    [Rostenkowski raw: New York Democratic convention #5]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. On the floor of the convention center at the 1980 Democratic National Convention. Features footage of Rostenkowski working the phones on the speakers’ podium. Illinois delegates are also interviewed. They are asked what Rostenkowski’s role is at the convention. Few of the delegates seem to know. One suggests that Rostenkowski’s role is to find common ground among the various factions of the Democratic Party that are represented at the convention.

  • [The 90’s raw: Center for Responsive Politics + Eddie misc]

    [The 90’s raw: Center for Responsive Politics + Eddie misc]

    Raw footage shot for the award-winning series The 90’s. This tape begins with interviews with Larry Makinson and Joshua Goldstein of the Center for Responsive Politics, a group that tracks the money that is donated to members of Congress. It is followed by interviews with teenage skateboarders about the 1992 presidential election; an interview with 8th grader Erika Becker; video of a senate subcommittee hearing on the Iran-Contra affair; and video of journalist Mike Waldman inviting congressmen to a party.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Women’s Action Coalition]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Women’s Action Coalition]

    Raw footage for “Chicago Slices,” a television series about life in Chicagoland. This video focuses on the Women’s Action Coalition (WAC), an organization focused around women’s issues. Videomaker Skip Blumberg tapes a WAC gathering at Carpenter and Huron in the West Loop where participants with homemade instruments play in a drum circle, and also interviews many of them about their beliefs and their cause.

  • [None of the Above raw #3]

    [None of the Above raw #3]

    This tape features raw footage for the documentary “None of the Above,” an in depth look at non-voters during the 1996 election. In this video, we watch as Presidential candidates Phil Gramm and Lamar Alexander campaign throughout the state of Iowa the day before the caucuses are to take place.

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