Home » Posts tagged 'President'

  • Nixon Resigns: The Legacy of Impeachment

    Nixon Resigns: The Legacy of Impeachment

    August 8, 1974.  It was a different world, a different president and an unprecedented American crisis.  That was the night Richard Nixon sat in the Oval Office and made the surprise announcement that he was resigning as President of the United States. Some independent video producers obtained a videotape recorded in the moments before the speech.  It was the European pool feed, never intended for broadcast: a rare glimpse into the curation and production of a president’s image. We think […]

  • Nixon resigns, August 8, 1974

    Nixon resigns, August 8, 1974

    Forty years ago today, Richard Nixon resigned as President of the United States. Millions tuned in to his televised address to see what Nixon had to say about his presidency and his reasons for resigning. What they didn’t see was the seven minutes of the television pool feed before Nixon went live. It’s a fascinating counterpoint to the gravity of the event and a unique look at Nixon’s mindset at this defining moment of his career. The video also includes […]

  • [Jesse Jackson 1984 Presidential Primary]

    [Jesse Jackson 1984 Presidential Primary]

    News excerpt of Jesse Jackson during his 1984 bid for the Democratic Presidential Primary. There is also some time spent on Ernest Fritz-Hollings.

  • [Presidential Election 1988, Bush/ Dukakis]

    [Presidential Election 1988, Bush/ Dukakis]

    News coverage of the 1988 Presidential Election between Michael Dukakis and George Bush. B-roll of Bush at Notre Dame and the Polish National Alliance in Chicago.

  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: DNC Thursday]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: DNC Thursday]

    Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. This tape covers the last day of the 1992 Democratic National Convention at Madison Square Garden, culminating with Bill Clinton’s acceptance speech.

  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: DNC 7]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: DNC 7]

    Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. This tape features footage of the 1992 Democratic National Convention at Madison Square Garden, focusing on the debate between supporters of presumptive nominee Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown over whether Brown should be allowed to speak at the convention, as well as continuing to follow the American Samoan delegation.

  • [White House Halloween with Betty Ford]

    [White House Halloween with Betty Ford]

    This tape features footage shot for TVTV’s Gerald Ford’s America in Washington D.C. Videomakers Skip Blumberg and Anda Korsts visit the White House during a Halloween photo-op with First Lady Betty Ford. They also interview a demonstrator dressed as Uncle Sam walking along Pennsylvania Ave.

  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Georgia #3]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Georgia #3]

    Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. Continuation of footage following President George H.W. Bush on his Whistle Stop Tour throughout the south.

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