Home » Posts tagged 'presidential election' (Page 2)

  • [1988 Super Tuesday results]

    [1988 Super Tuesday results]

    These two news clips cover the results of Super Tuesday leading up to the Democratic nomination for the 1988 presidential election, including an interview with Michael Dukakis following his strong showing in the elections.

  • [Iowa reacts to Gary Hart dropping out of 1988 presidential race]

    [Iowa reacts to Gary Hart dropping out of 1988 presidential race]

    This news segment covers the aftermath of Gary Hart’s withdrawal from seeking the Democratic nomination for the 1988 presidential election. The intense media scrutiny which led to Hart’s withdrawal has unsettled some of the candidates and their supporters, who question the benefit of probing so closely into the candidates’ personal lives.

  • [News compilation: Reagan – DNC – Anchor excerpt – Shelby floods]

    [News compilation: Reagan – DNC – Anchor excerpt – Shelby floods]

    This series of news reports covers a variety of stories, including a speech made by Ronald Reagan after the assassination attempt against him, the 1980 Democratic National Convention, Mark Clements being charged with the deaths of four people, and river floods in Shelby, IN.

  • Newshour: phone wars – presidential campaign – Vegas strike – Jesse Jackson

    Newshour: phone wars – presidential campaign – Vegas strike – Jesse Jackson

    This series of four news reports covers a variety of topics, including the fight between competing phone companies after the breakup of the Bell System, the tiring campaigns of the three main Democratic candidates for the 1984 presidential election, a hotel strike in Las Vegas, and Jesse Jackson’s presidential campaign.

  • [Mondale campaign]

    [Mondale campaign]

    This is a series of three news reports covering the final days of Walter Mondale’s campaign for the 1984 presidential election, including one report which followed his overwhelming loss to Ronald Reagan.

  • [Gary Hart campaigning in Ohio]

    [Gary Hart campaigning in Ohio]

    This news report covers Gary Hart’s campaign in Ohio during his run to win the Democratic primaries leading up to the 1984 presidential election.

  • [White supremacist candidates – Election Night at IL headquarters for Tsongas]

    [White supremacist candidates – Election Night at IL headquarters for Tsongas]

    Footage from the 1992 presidential election, including fights by white supremacist candidates to get on the ballot in Illinois, a Richard M. Daley press conference, and primary election night at the Illinois headquarters for the Paul Tsongas campaign.

  • Why people don’t vote

    Why people don’t vote

    It’s likely that millions of eligible voters will choose not to go to the polls next Tuesday. In 2008, voter turnout was estimated at only 63%, and that was the highest since 1960. Trying to understand the reasons for this American phenomenon, John Callaway and Tom Weinberg interviewed non-voters from around the country in 1996. As our videos so often do, it still rings true today. Watch the full documentary None of the Above.

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