Home » Posts tagged 'rallies'

  • [Rally for Andres Cordero upon his release from prison]

    [Rally for Andres Cordero upon his release from prison]

    This tape features footage of a Puerto Rican Nationalist community meeting in Chicago celebrating the release of Andres Cordero, a Puerto Rican Nationalist who had gone to prison for taking part in an attack on the U.S. House of Representatives in 1954.

  • [FALN church rally for four released Puerto Rican Nationalists]

    [FALN church rally for four released Puerto Rican Nationalists]

    This tape features footage of a National Liberation Armed Forces (FALN) support gathering in September 1979 in Chicago. It took place right after Puerto Rican Nationalists Oscar Collazo, Irving Flores, Rafael Cancel Miranda, and Lolita Lebron were released from jail upon President Jimmy Carter’s commutation of their sentences. Collazo was incarcerated for the attempted assassination of President Harry Truman. Flores, Miranda, and Lebron had been in jail for a 1954 attack on the U.S. House of Representatives. This tape features a church service and meeting honoring the four nationalists. Folksinger and activist Marta Rodriguez also performs.

  • Marquette Park II

    Marquette Park II

    A documentary on a Neo-Nazi rally in Marquette Park, Chicago, on July 9, 1978 features footage from inside the Neo-Nazi headquarters in Chicago (led by Frank Collin) and protesters in Marquette Park. In the headquarters they discuss logistics, chit-chat, and organize themselves for the rally. In the park beforehand we see people gathering (both anti-Nazis and Neo-Nazis) and police organizing themselves for the rally. Filmed by Tom Palazzolo and Mark Rance.

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