The Real Realness Of The Higher Highness
Documentary about a festival in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park in August 1976.
Documentary about a festival in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park in August 1976.
Peter Jennings reports live from San Francisco after the “Great Quake of ’89.” He interviews Vice President Dan Quayle about the government’s role in rebuilding the area. Jennings presses Quayle for specific answers, but Quayle only responds in sound bytes, repeatedly bringing up the “spirit of volunteerism”, announcing that “preparation pays off”, and stating vaguely that “the federal government will be a partner in the reconstruction.”
A documentary about the seminal beat novelist, Jack Kerouac, that combines narration and current interviews with vintage footage, interviews, still photos, and excepts and dramatic re-enactments from some of Kerouac’s autobiographical novels; including Maggie Cassidy, Dr. Sax, Visions of Cody, Visions of Gerard, Vanity of Duluoz, Desolation Angels, Dharma Bums, Big Sur, On the Road, and The Town and the City.