Home » Posts tagged 'SNCC'

  • ’63 Boycott raw: Sylvia Fischer Interview

    ’63 Boycott raw: Sylvia Fischer Interview

    Camera original footage shot for the documentary ’63 Boycott from Kartemquin Films. ’63 Boycott is a thirty-minute documentary and web project highlighting the stories of participants in the 1963 Chicago Public School (CPS) Boycott (also known as Freedom Day). One of the largest Civil Rights demonstrations in the city’s history, on October 22, 1963, a coalition of civil rights groups, local activists, and 250,000 students staged a mass boycott and demonstration against the Chicago Board of Education to protest racial segregation and inadequate resources for Black students. This interview features Sylvia Fischer, a former elementary schoolteacher in the Hyde Park/Kenwood neighborhood and organizer with the Chicago-area Friends of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.

  • ’63 Boycott raw: Fannie Rushing Interview

    ’63 Boycott raw: Fannie Rushing Interview

    Camera original footage shot for the documentary ’63 Boycott from Kartemquin Films. ’63 Boycott is a thirty-minute documentary and web project highlighting the stories of participants in the 1963 Chicago Public School (CPS) Boycott (also known as Freedom Day). One of the largest Civil Rights demonstrations in the city’s history, on October 22, 1963, a coalition of civil rights groups, local activists, and 250,000 students staged a mass boycott and demonstration against the Chicago Board of Education to protest racial segregation and inadequate resources for Black students. This interview features Fannie Rushing, a former organizer and activist with the Chicago-area Friends of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC, pronounced “Snick”).

  • [Howard Zinn raw #33: Oscar Chase discusses Zinn’s impact and their relationship]

    [Howard Zinn raw #33: Oscar Chase discusses Zinn’s impact and their relationship]

    Oscar Chase discusses Howard Zinn and their activities with SNCC.

  • [Howard Zinn raw #28: Cleveland Sellers speaks about his involvement with Zinn and the SNCC]

    [Howard Zinn raw #28: Cleveland Sellers speaks about his involvement with Zinn and the SNCC]

    Cleveland Sellers discusses Howard Zinn and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.

  • [Howard Zinn raw #24: Zinn discusses labor and race in the U.S.]

    [Howard Zinn raw #24: Zinn discusses labor and race in the U.S.]

    Denis Mueller interviews Howard Zinn at his office at Boston University. They discuss WWII, SNCC, the Civil Rights movement, and the Ludlow Massacre.

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