Home » Posts tagged 'Social'

  • Sexual Fantasy Party

    Sexual Fantasy Party

    Shot at a party sponsored by N.O.W. Conference on Sexuality in New York in June of 1973, numerous party goers talk about their sexual fantasies. Many are adorned in outlandish costumes that represent their fantasy, and they explain their reasons for choosing this particular fantasy or representation of fantasy.

  • New York, New York, Part 2

    New York, New York, Part 2

    This video aired on a New York TV program called “Perception.” It was recorded in the early seventies and is a lush cityscape that gives the viewer a glimpse into daily life in New York City.

  • [Voices of Cabrini raw #8]

    [Voices of Cabrini raw #8]

    Footage for the documentary “Voices of Cabrini.” Shot between 1995-1999, it documented the Cabrini Green redevelopment project proposed and carried out by the City of Chicago. This tape features interviews with Sirwanta Terry, Twanna Murdock, and Tammy Smith in 1150 N. Sedgwick. Sirwanta Terry is the building president for 1150/1160 N. Sedgwick and Twanna Murdock is the treasurer.

  • [Voices of Cabrini raw #5]

    [Voices of Cabrini raw #5]

    Footage for the documentary “Voices of Cabrini.” Shot between 1995-1999, it documented the Cabrini Green redevelopment project proposed and carried out by the City of Chicago. This tape features an interview with Peter Geller (KSO G), Margaret, and Ray in 923 N. Sedgwick. They talk about their ideas of home and community, the future of Cabrini, and its current culture.

  • Hiring Line

    Hiring Line

    The video contains a 1972 pilot for “Hiring Line,” a show dedicated to making job listings available to the public. The show offers viewers the opportunity to call and inquire about the jobs, as well as presenting general consumer information. This is a black and white copy of the program.

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