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  • ’63 Boycott raw: Natalie Moore Interview

    ’63 Boycott raw: Natalie Moore Interview

    Camera original footage shot for the documentary ’63 Boycott from Kartemquin Films. ’63 Boycott is a thirty-minute documentary and web project highlighting the stories of participants in the 1963 Chicago Public School (CPS) Boycott (also known as Freedom Day). One of the largest Civil Rights demonstrations in the city’s history, on October 22, 1963, a coalition of civil rights groups, local activists, and 250,000 students staged a mass boycott and demonstration against the Chicago Board of Education to protest racial segregation and inadequate resources for Black students. This interview features Natalie Moore, reporter at Chicago’s public radio station WBEZ and author of The South Side: A Portrait of Chicago and American Segregation.

  • Love Wins

    Love Wins

    “That is what I think family values are all about. Love.” -Studs Terkel This Sunday, June 26th, marks the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling, Obergefell vs. Hodges, which guaranteed the fundamental right to marry to same-sex couples throughout the United States. This decision is the culmination of decades of activism, and is an important moment for human rights, especially for the couples and families directly affected all across the country. Throughout June, gatherings, marches and protests occur across the […]

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