A Vision Comes to Life: Chicago’s 57th Street Art Fair, The First Fifty Years 1948-1997
Prohibition had just been repealed in Illinois on Thanksgiving 1933. At age 21, Studs Terkel had his first taste of what he calls “the devil’s brew.” His first drink was alongside the residents of the Wells-Grand Hotel, a men’s hotel near Washington Square Park that his mother owned. His mother decided to have Thanksgiving dinner with everyone that year since many of them didn’t have anyone else to celebrate with. Technically, Prohibition was officially repealed at the federal level on […]
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Chicago Picasso In 1967, Mayor Richard J. Daley stood in the courtyard of the Chicago Civic Center and unveiled a fifty-foot tall metal structure, a public art piece designed by Pablo Picasso and given to the people of Chicago. While initially met with scorn and confusion, the sculpture has, over the years, become an iconic and admired feature of downtown Chicago. This collection of clips taken from the Media Burn Archive features Studs Terkel, […]
Interview with Studs Terkel on Howard Zinn.
A conversation between Studs Terkel and Howard Zinn at an alternative media event Berkeley, California. They speak about activism, racism, and making change in the United States.
Second half of a conversation between Howard Zinn and Studs Terkel in Berkeley, California. They discuss their careers, the difficulty of challenging political consensus in the United States, and field questions from audience members.
“That is what I think family values are all about. Love.” -Studs Terkel This Sunday, June 26th, marks the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling, Obergefell vs. Hodges, which guaranteed the fundamental right to marry to same-sex couples throughout the United States. This decision is the culmination of decades of activism, and is an important moment for human rights, especially for the couples and families directly affected all across the country. Throughout June, gatherings, marches and protests occur across the […]
Today we honor the 130th anniversary of the Haymarket Affair, an important moment in labor history and the origin event to May Day, or International Workers’ Day. This event celebrated annually around the world actually has its roots in Chicago. Starting May 1, 1886, labor unions across the United States began a general strike in support of the 8-hour workday. On May 3, police in Chicago shot into a crowd and killed several workers striking at the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company Plant. […]