[Chicago Slices raw: Wicker Park Tattoo Parlor With Tony Fitzpatrick]
TATU TATTOO, Wicker Park with TONY FITZPATRICK. Examine tatooing technique, artistry, and culture. Interview with customers.
TATU TATTOO, Wicker Park with TONY FITZPATRICK. Examine tatooing technique, artistry, and culture. Interview with customers.
This episode of the Canadian show Utopia Café examines self-image and different forms of image modification; including different clothing styles, plastic surgery, tattooing, and skin branding. The show seems to copy the quick-cut MTV style of editing.
ROY BOY’S TATTOOS, Gary, IN. 20 minutes of interview with ROY BOY COOPER and wife DEBRA, Don working, and tattooing. They introduce their pet Bengal tiger.