[The 90’s raw: 42nd street]
Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s of 42nd Street in New York City.
Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s of 42nd Street in New York City.
Episode 207 of the award-winning TV series The 90’s. This episode is called “FOCUS ON SPIRITUALITY” and features the following segments:
Raw tape for The 90’s election specials. President George H.W. Bush speaks to the Polish National Alliance at the Hyatt in Chicago. The camera is situated very far back in the room and doesn’t capture anything very interesting. The camera was also briefly turned off during the classic moment from this event, when Polish National Alliance President Ed Moskal calls Bush a “freedom farter.” Since Bush only appears for a few minutes, the majority of the tape is just footage of the press.
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. Bill and Hillary Clinton visit the Hilton Hotel in Chicago on Super Tuesday. Most of the tape is just press standing around and a blues band playing.
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. This tape is a continuation of Eddie Becker’s visit to the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, followed by footage of a man attending a Masons convention, and interviews with author Bruce Sterling and Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder John Perry Barlow.
Raw tape for the award-winning series The 90’s. Interview with Chicago architect Stanley Tigerman, widely considered a maverick and an outsider in the architectural community, plus some footage of Chicago architecture.
Raw footage for the award-winning series “The 90’s.” Jody Procter takes his son Ian to S-M Gun Shop. Young Ian loves to play with toy guns, so Procter wanted to take him to learn about real guns. The store owner shows a few models of guns and explains how to use them.
Raw footage for The 90’s of New York City streets. Skip Blumberg speaks with a woman, Danica Kombol, about stroller techniques in New York. He also speaks with Susan Cohn about the Green Guerrillas, parks around New York, and crime. Interspersed are various shots of the city and a musical performance by an unknown artist.