On the God Dam Lock In
A documentary following a group of actors as they perform a play about the perils of incarceration at Sing Sing Correctional Facility in New York.
A documentary following a group of actors as they perform a play about the perils of incarceration at Sing Sing Correctional Facility in New York.
0:00 A band performs several songs onstage, including a cover of “Guilty” by Randy Newman. TERRIBLE image and sound quality.
Muzeeka is a play about American soldiers of the Vietnam War who have television contracts. It serves as a satire of both the war and mainstream American society. Written in 1968, it is one of the most notable of playwright John Guare’s early works. This video is the final segment of an early production of the play at the Kingston Mines Theater in Chicago.
Muzeeka is a play about American soldiers of the Vietnam War who have television contracts. It serves as a satire of both the war and mainstream American society. Written in 1968, it is one of the most notable of playwright John Guare’s early works. This video is the first segment of an early production of the play at the Kingston Mines Theater in Chicago.
Muzeeka is a play about American soldiers of the Vietnam War who have television contracts. It serves as a satire of both the war and mainstream American society. Written in 1968, it is one of the most notable of playwright John Guare’s early works. This video is the first segment of an early production of the play at the Kingston Mines Theater in Chicago.
00:00 Opens with a three-minute sketch titled, “On the Way to Broadway (Seven Free Women)” in which actress and comedienne Lily Tomlin plays several different women as they take a road trip to Broadway, as well as the other characters they encounter along the way. 03:34 The opening credits for “Lily Tomlin in Appearing Nitely” roll. 04:15 Shots of the outside of the Huntington Hartford Theater in Los Angeles, where a performance of “Lily Tomlin in Appearing Nitely” is on […]
This video contains raw footage for the television show “Chicago Slices.” Videomaker Skip Blumberg interviews actor and comedian Geoff Hoyle. Hoyle talks about his part in the “new Vaudevillians” tradition and his interest in studying the human condition and relaying it back to his audience.