[Howard Zinn raw #29: Daniel Ellsberg speaks about his life and it was influenced by Zinn]
Daniel Ellsberg discusses the Pentagon Papers, the anti-war movement, and Howard Zinn.
Daniel Ellsberg discusses the Pentagon Papers, the anti-war movement, and Howard Zinn.
Chicago CBS Channel 2 news coverage of the Million Man March on Washington. Notable speakers include Revs. Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson, as well as President Clinton.
Tax day is upon us, and we thought it was a great time to revisit artist Doug Michels’ (1943-2003) project “Money Man Monument” (1991). Michels proposed the installation of a 23-foot-tall Money Man on the National Mall alongside memorials to American icons like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, calling it “a permanent tribute to green power and the American way.” It also features the contributions of two more of our close friends, Joe Angio (camera) and Tony Judge (actor). You […]
Raw footage for the award-winning TV series, The 90’s. Eddie Becker tapes a demonstration in front of the White House against US intervention in El Salvador. He then bikes around near the Washington Monument, talking to various people.
Raw footage for the award-winning series, The 90’s. Eddie Becker interviews three cab drivers in Washington, D.C.
Raw tape for The 90’s election specials. Paul Tsongas victory party at Bedrock Billiards in Washington, D.C. Videomaker Eddie Becker interviews Tsongas supporters while they play pool.
Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. Grant Kester walks around with Becker in a mall in Washington, D.C., and Becker takes a tour through Tech 2000, Interactive TV.