[World’s Largest TV Studio. Night Owl Las Vegas. Night Owl Chicago ‘Human Hair’]
This video contains an off the air recording of the February 1973 WTTW-Chicago broadcast of the TVTV documentaries “Four More Years” and “World’s Largest TV Studio.” The majority of the TVTV programs are skipped–the focus of this tape is on the way WTTW chose to present the programs rather than the programs themselves. Following the programs, Marty Robinson interviews TVTV representatives Tom Weinberg and Anda Korsts about the production.
An irreverent documentary produced by video pioneers covering the 1972 Democratic National Convention in Miami Beach, Florida. This was the first major news event to be covered by portable video cameras. The tape is experimental, informative, and humorous. This video is for personal/educational use only. For more information, check out TVTVNow: //www.tvtvnow.com/.