100 Seconds

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Brief clips from "Making It In Hollywood" - like a trailer.

0:00 Color bars.

0:09 Cissy Colpetts dances outside with the song “Going to Hollywood.”

0:18 Man says he has been killed hundreds of different ways in films.

0:27 Shelly Winters gives advice to Sally Kirkland about her acting career.

0:33 We see actresses at an audition reading for roles.

0:39 Tab Hunter talks about the absurdness of fans’ belief that they somehow own the stars they make famous.

0:46 TV executive talks on phone about prices for various stars.

0:55 Women talk about the struggle for women in Hollywood to make it without selling their bodies.

1:06 Actor talks about his philosophical problems he has with the relationship between acting and art.

1:16 Director talks about how actors become big by literally just making a scene and pretending they are famous – whoever gets the most publicity is the most famous, regardless of how they got the publicity or what for.

1:42 Colpetts dancing again with theme music.

1:50 Bars.

2:00 End of tape.



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