60 minutes II episode on Phil Jackson
Polygraphs and False Arrests
5:38Copy video clip URL The first report of the 60 minutes episode begins. The arrest of Robert Hansen, FBI agent who allegedly gave up national secrets to the Russians for 15 years. FBI started giving polygraph or lie detector tests. What are the chances of branding innocent officers as traitors. A man in the Navy, Daniel King, claims it happened to him.
6:25Copy video clip URL Daniel King is interviewed. He claims he was doing a routine polygraph test when a question returned indeterminant. As a result, King was questioned for 26 days. Out of exhaustion he signed papers that said he sent a disc to Russia.
17:05Copy video clip URL After 520 days the Navy dropped the charges against King. Investigating officers announced that King may have been coerced.
18:27Copy video clip URL The Navy defends its actions.
“Wake Up Call”
23:03Copy video clip URL 60 minutes returns with its second segment. “Wake Up Call.” Buford Furrow shot 70 rounds at a Jewish day camp in Los Angeles. He says that he wished he stayed in the mental hospital.
27:20Copy video clip URL Medical records can be requested by the court. However, records for Furrow were never requested. When it came time to decide on Furrow’s case, no one had ever seen his medical records.
27:29Copy video clip URL Secretary of department of corrections agency recommended Furrows release. Based on stabilization on medication and changed. The assigned officer failed to visit Furrow in person, he later purchased the gun and ammunition for the Los Angles shooting.
Phil Jackson
37:11Copy video clip URL 60 minutes returns with Carol Marin reporting on basketball. “Master of the Game.”
38:15 Phil Jackson interviewed. He talks about smudging the locker room.
39:46Copy video clip URL Former player Don Sally interviewed. He speaks on the nontraditional ways of Phil Jackson.
53:28Copy video clip URL Report on the New York Mets.
56:20Copy video clip URL 60 minutes II episode ends.
59:18Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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