[90’s Boulder spots]

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0:00 Still shot of man in black suit with yellow tie. Camera focuses on him. "This is the old yuppie appeal, huh? I joined the 90's and I got a t-shirt!" Tom Weinberg directs him.

1:05 Joe Cummings wears 90’s shirt on Michigan Ave. bridge. Cummings invites people to order 90’s shirts.

1:43 Man tries to sell 90’s shirts on the street while Joe Cummings talks in th e background.

2:20 Joe Cummings gives phone number and pitch for ordering t-shirt. He does a few more takes.

8:28 Someone wearing a 90s shirt walks down street.

8:55 People wearing 90’s shirts walk through crowds of people on bridge for several takes.

10:36 Man sells 90s t-shirts on bridge.

12:19 Joe Cummings sit at a desk in an office and pitches 90’s membership for several takes.

16:50 Various people on street pitch the 90s for camera.

This next section does not seem to relate to The 90’s spots.

21:45 Kneeling woman talks to camera about being a woman and how she feels about herself. The interview is quick-paced. Interviewer asks about advice she would give to other women, as well as ideas about men’s opinions about her.

24:54 Another woman answers the same questions.

29:25 First and second women sit down to tell a story together about when they were teenagers: spending a night in church during a fast-a-thon eating and making out with their boyfriends all night.

32:45 Alison, age 27. She’s five months pregnant and has been living with a man for about five years. She talks about what attracts her to a man (uniqueness), what turns her off (nothing), her best/worst date, etc, before answering the same questions as the first two women.

44:53 Woman wearing blue dress reads a poem from a book for camera, and recites some poetry for camera in several takes.

52:21 J.C., a 26-year-old man sits for interview. “I’m single and I’ll always be single.” He talks about what interests him in men, what he thinks of himself, etc. He talks about the lack of a support network for men dealing with emotional issues, while women have close relationships with their mothers.

60:23 End of tape.



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