Raw footage shot for the award-winning series The 90's. This tape features footage of instructors and participants of the organization Lighthouse, which provides services for the blind, followed by footage of a demonstration by workers from 1199 Service Employees International Union.
00:28Copy video clip URL Rick Masley, the orientation and mobility instructor at the Lighthouse, explains how he deals with blind people to help them move safely through their environment with a cane. He talks about the immense amount of traffic in New York, and difficulty taking the bus. When he’s not at his day job, he works as a musician.
07:00Copy video clip URL Lily, a woman from Astoria, Queens, talks about making her way through her day as a blind person. Then we see her navigating the sidewalks with her cane, using her other senses to help her.
15:00Copy video clip URL Lily asks a sighted woman to help her cross an intersection.
19:48Copy video clip URL Lily asks Rick about his band. He has a rhythm and blues band called The Richter Scale. They usually play downtown in a blues club.
20:39Copy video clip URL Lily talks about why she prefers to live in Queens, as it is less congested and she has a young child.
21:40Copy video clip URL Rick talks about the grid of the streets in Manhattan, and how in a lot of ways that can help the visually impaired navigate their way around.
30:15Copy video clip URL Rick talks more about the way that sighted people can help Lily cross the street.
32:22Copy video clip URL Lily talks about her difficulties traveling in snow, because of ice and snow banks, and the limited visibility of landmarks.
46:00Copy video clip URL More footage of Lily walking the busy sidewalks of Manhattan.
46:30Copy video clip URL Lily recognizes the Lighthouse building and enters.
46:43Copy video clip URL Another segment begins. We see a busy sidewalk full of pedestrians on the go.
47:45Copy video clip URL On the bus, a few riders talk about the 1199 Service Employees International Union demonstration that will be starting shortly. They talk about empathizing with the workers and the people in the community who are suffering due to cuts to their programs’ funding.
57:00Copy video clip URL At the demonstration, we see crowds chanting and cheering while they clap and hold picket signs.
01:01:27Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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