[Jesse Jackson 1984 Presidential Primary]

News excerpt of Jesse Jackson during his 1984 bid for the Democratic Presidential Primary. There is also some time spent on Ernest Fritz-Hollings.

0:00Copy video clip URL The anchor talks about Jesse Jackson appealing to change the Democratic Party’s rules such that long shots are given better odds. Hugh Hill talks more specifically about the rules that Jackson wanted change and how the changes ultimately failed.

0:41Copy video clip URL Cut to B-roll of Jackson at the New Hampshire debate where he apparently performed very well. There is some more B-roll of Jackson saying that the odds were stacked against him and Hill reports that this was Jackson’s purpose all along, to show that there was a problem with the system.

1:52Copy video clip URL Cut to footage of Ernest Fritz-Hollings, the South Carolina senator, while Hill talks about his campaign and how it’s failing miserably especially because he won’t be receiving any delegates from Illinois.

2:52Copy video clip URL Video ends.



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