This tape features segments shot for a 1974 video version of "AC/DC," a play by Heathcote Williams satirizing the mental heath industry.
00:00Copy video clip URL This video begins with static.
00:31Copy video clip URL Opening sequence of AC/DC. A group of men and women wander around a train terminal as the credits roll. This lasts for several minutes.
04:24Copy video clip URL Black.
04:58Copy video clip URL A security guard searches a group of people. He eventually takes a few of them aside and discovers a gun. There is no sound throughout this portion of the tape. Four of the men appear to urinate in small bottles. The guard eventually says the words, “A slip of the lip, costs a ship.” This lasts for several minutes.
06:18Copy video clip URL Cut to black.
06:48Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of the character Maurice during a session with a psychoanalyst played by Del Close. He narrates his own experience. The psychoanalyst hypnotizes him and Maurice has a seizure.
11:25Copy video clip URL Cut to footage from inside O’Rourke’s Public House in Chicago’s Old Town neighborhood. Actor Barry Bender falls down drunk outside of the bar. The image quality is poor during this portion of the tape.
12:14Copy video clip URL “Nepal, Nepal” scene. A TV newscaster (the character Grayson played by Warren Casey) sits at a news desk and reads a report about a plane hijacking that took place near Nepal while en route from Tibet to India. Grayson repeats the same story word for word without stopping, gradually replacing more and more of the copy with the word “Nepal.” As he reads, he gets angrier and angrier and finally culminates in a frenzy, shouting “Nepal” and tearing up his papers. This is followed by black and static.
16:52Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of a couple walking down a busy street. They weave in and out between people during a march. The tape ends shortly afterward.
18:39Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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