[Addie Green – Tom talks to kids – Wildlife Way Station – Prisoner TV show]

Raw footage for the award-winning series, The 90's. Addie Green talks about her passion for food and eating right and creating a respectable restaurant in Washington, DC, that celebrates natural foods and healthy cooking. Tom Weinberg interviews young kids about their perspective on getting old. Followed by a brief segment with Martina Colette’s Wildlife Way Station in Angeles National Forest, California, a shelter for abandoned exotic animals. Last, there is a segment about Jeff Town, which has a tv production program for inmates.

0:00Copy video clip URL Footage begins in the middle of an interview with Addie Green of Islander Restaurant. Green talks about her philosophy of healthy eating. Green discusses the effects of nutrition on the body: “We carry this body to the end. We should do what’s right with it.”

00:39Copy video clip URL Green stresses the importance of her food being fresh: “I don’t care if the food does not look bright. It tastes good. It’s a natural color. If we had to add yellow color into our chicken and red color into our meats, then we are not giving an authentic product.”

01:08Copy video clip URL Green tells about her background in food and growing up in Trinidad: “I grew up in the environment of food business.” Her father took ill and her mother turned to the restaurant business to make ends meet.

01:58Copy video clip URL Green describes her experiences of first coming to Washington, DC, and the changes in culture that have taken place since she arrived. “There was absolutely nothing Caribbean going here. I was lonely miserable. So I started writing to people everywhere and telling them to come to Washington.” She started cooking at home and selling it from her house. One thing lead to another and she opened a restaurant.

03:27Copy video clip URL Interviewer, Eddie Becker, asks Green’s son, “How is it working with your mom?” Son: “I went away to college because I was looking towards a computer career but when I came home I found myself doing this and I can’t see myself doing anything else now.” Becker: “What’s the best part of working here?” Green family member says, “Meeting the people.” He likes it here, because he’s gotten to know many of the customers and the community.

05:03Copy video clip URL Green’s son: “I think younger generations need to be more enlightened as to what’s going on as far as nutritional value.” He says the younger generations know all the fast food logos. That’s how young people grow here.

05:41Copy video clip URL Green discusses the effect of improper diet on society. It creates the madness on the street. “You are what you eat.” She says people with proper diets are less likely to victimize others, less likely to be unemployed. A person with proper diet is likely to feel better about himself.

06:46Copy video clip URL Green describes the opportunities for immigrants in the United States. She says the work we immigrants do for others we can certainly do for ourselves. It’s not a matter of money, it’s a matter of nutrition. It’s a matter of choice. People do not have to eat what is not good for them.

07:32Copy video clip URL Green: “The trend for the nineties is going to be good nutrition, and you know what that brings: a better living environment.” If you eat like a swine you’ll act like a swine.

08:26Copy video clip URL End segments in the middle of Green’s sentence.

08:28Copy video clip URL New segment. Raw footage of Tom Weinberg talking with children around age seven about getting old. A girl says “we’ll be old enough to get jobs.” Another girl says you can get someone to help you do things and help you carry bags. They say they help their parents and grandparents with bags.

09:59Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “So what are you going to do when you get older?” A boy says he’ll keep helping his family. A girl says she will be a lawyer. A boy says he’ll be a basketball player, an artist, and then a book writer.

10:57Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “How old do you have to be to be an artist?” A girl says you have to be in your twenties or thirties to be an artist.

11:32Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “So do you think there is a bad part about getting old?” A girls says it’s a little boring. It’s bad when no one comes to see you and you’re home all by yourself. All you can do then is wish you were a child again. Another girl says when you’re home watching TV you get blind and can’t see the TV. Another girls says you might get hurt.

13:37Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “Do you want to get old?” The kids think it will be okay. They want to be 8, 10, but not 80.

14:11Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “So what is the best age to be?” A variety of answers: Twenty seven. Sixteen because you can have a big party and I’ll be able to wear make up. Fourteen, because my sister’s fourteen. Nine. Thirteen, because then you can do more things than you could do as a child. Ten, because you get to do anything you want.

16:45Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “What is good about being young?” The kids say you don’t have to do grown up things, like take out the garbage. When you’re young you can do anything you want and work a lot and buy Christmas presents. When you’re grown some people are on drugs and beat their kids. That’s why I like being young and not old. I like to be young because I get to go where my mom says I can go. I like to be young because grown ups curse and are bossy. Kids ain’t as bossy as grown ups.

19:43Copy video clip URL Weinberg thanks the kids for their time and tells them he will get a copy of their interview on videotape.

20:37Copy video clip URL Weinberg informs a new group of children, around ages 8 and 9, that the purpose of the interview is to gain a child’s perspective on age.

21:15Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “How old is old?” One child says 81 or 84. She says her Grandmom is 84. You have to do much for your Grandmom because she’s old, like buy her Christmas presents, buy her food, clean the dog, wash the dishes for her. I go around every day to see her. “I’m lucky she’s still alive.” Another child says his grandfather is 72. Sometimes when he’s sick I have to wash the dishes for him, walk the dogs. He tells a story of how his grandfather helped him once when boys tried to steal his bicycle. A girl says she is the oldest kid in her family.

25:13Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “Is there a particular age when you get to be a grownup?” The girl says no and then says she wants to be an artist when she grows up. She says her father is a good artist. She draws pictures from her books, people, houses, flowers.

26:16Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “If you were going to draw a picture of someone old what would they look like?” The girls says: real old.

26:29Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “what happens to people when they get old?” The girls says they don’t live very long. They don’t get to see their grandchildren anymore. They go up to Heaven where God is. A boy says his grandmother is 63. She asks him to do stuff for her when she’s sick like wash the dishes, give her medicine, help her out of bed. He says he has two other grandmothers but he likes her the best. He says he always goes to her house to check on her. Another boy, Ronald, says when his mother gets sick with asthma he has to get her medicine for her or take her to the doctor. He has to get the clothes together in the washing machine.

30:41Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “What do you think is the age where you get to be old?” Ronald says, “60.” Another boy says, “60” and up. A girl says, “43, because when I get older I want to do things for people and have a job.” Another boy says, “80.” A girl says, “99.” Weinberg says he has a grandfather who is 101. That’s old!

32:22Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “Wow old do you have to be to be a grown up?” The kids say 34 or 40; 21; 34; 30; 32.

33:01Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “What do you think the best age is?” The kids answer: “When you’re not old. Ten, because you could do what you could do when you were younger.” “Ten, because you can learn more stuff but as you get older you forget stuff.” “Ten, because as you get older people do things like wash clothes, do homework. When you’re older you don’t get scared.” “Thirty-five because them you can do anything you want: get a job, buy a car, work for money. And you could do things for your mother.” “Seventeen, because my sister is going to be seventeen and she had her baby and she’s trying to get a job now. I hope she can get a job because now she’s living with my grandmom. When I get seventeen I’m gonna have a house. My sister wants to have a house, but she doesn’t. They say she could move into the projects on the South Side.”

39:00Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “What is the best thing about being old?” The kids answer: “You don’t have to do as much work as when you were younger. You get to lay down and do less than when you were younger.” “When people get old people need to take medicine. When I had a cold and was coughing my mother and my sister caught my cold and my sister took the last medicine. My mother gave me some of hers and it was nasty!” A boy says, “You’ll have grandchildren and take them out and have fun.”

41:59Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “What is a bad part about getting old?” The kids respond: “The bad part is when you die. Or if you can’t get up and get your medicine. My auntie was in bed and had an asthma attack. I had to wake up  and spray the inhaler in her mouth.” A boy says, “It’s hard to take care of yourself. You might fall trying to get out of bed and can’t get up.”

45:23Copy video clip URL Weinberg: “Do you want to get old?” The kids say, “No, not real old.” But when they get old they want to do things they couldn’t do when they were younger.

46:03Copy video clip URL The children stand up and give their final thoughts on aging. One says, “When people get really old they’re not going to get up and do something. When they do they’ll fall down.” Another says if you fall and can’t get up, they have things with a button you push to get an ambulance. “We’re gonna get our grandmother one for Christmas.”

47:52Copy video clip URL Weinberg thanks the kids for their time and tells them when they’ll be able to see themselves on TV and that they will get to see it on tape too.

48:55Copy video clip URL End Segment. Black.

49:06Copy video clip URL New segment. Martina Colette’s Wildlife Way Station in Angeles National Forest, California. We see exotic animals that have been abandoned by owners. Shot of peacock. Interviewer: “So Martina, what have these prisoners done that is so bad? What sort of horrible crimes have they committed?” Martina Colette explains that these are the exotic animals which at one point lived in domestic environments until their former owners could no longer take care of them. She describes a lion whose former owner feared the cat wasn’t safe so they had its claws and teeth removed. Then they decided it still wasn’t safe to have so they brought it here.

50:42Copy video clip URL Interviewer asks the question to Collette, “We’re putting ourselves in a kind of a cage, aren’t we, by not paying attention to wildness and wilderness, aren’t we?” Collette: “Absolutely, we are also losing habitat for us not just for the animals.” Once it’s gone it’s gone. She adds that she thinks we are entering a period of time where we need to share the planet with everything that is on it. We can’t keep taking. We need to share the planet with everything.

52:02Copy video clip URL End Segment.

52:04Copy video clip URL Start of new segment. Prison guard walks along the cell block until he arrives at a particular cell. Prison guard: “Archer, time to get up, four o’clock.”

52:25Copy video clip URL Prisoner wakes up. A prisoner says,“Jeff Town is real important to me because when I came here, obviously being in prison, you’re kind of depressed. Jeff Town gave me a new outlook on life and it taught me a lot of things I didn’t know before. It taught me how to use a camera. It taught me how to use editing and sound equipment.”

52:44Copy video clip URL The inmate enters a corridor escorted by a guard. They walk to a room that contains video production equipment which he turns on to begin creating media. The inmate explains they are interested in doing something creative and constructive.

53:17Copy video clip URL Various inmates describe the importance of both creating and watching television within the prison setting. One notes that the jobs on the outside were just jobs, but here everyone we work with are like family. “You live with them.” Another says producing television in prison keeps us in contact with the outside world. “It gives us a window to look out.” A third days he’s been in penitentiary before they had television, and when they first brought television in the men were glued to their TVs! He admits it’s kind of scary because as he discovers the technological advancements shown on TV, how technology has advance from the time he’s been incarcerated, he wonders if he’d be able to keep up with the change.

54:40Copy video clip URL B-roll Inmates operate video equipment. An inmate shares testimonies from other inmates who’ve mentioned to him how certain programs on their TV channel have helped.

55:25Copy video clip URL Inmates have a meeting discussing updates on their production.

55:37Copy video clip URL Officer discusses the purpose of the program. Officer: “Hopefully we educate as much as entertain and hopefully we inspire some positive changes in their lives.”

56:26Copy video clip URL Broadcast of “The CIM Evening News.” Broadcaster describes his time spent in prison undercover for his investigative report. He goes on to explain that prison food is being smuggled onto the prison yard for profit at great expense to the state.

58:40Copy video clip URL End segment

58:47Copy video clip URL End tape.



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