This tape features footage from a WTTW Channel 11 program, "And Justice For All," the third installment in a series about the legal system. The tape also includes footage from in and around O'Hare Airport in Chicago. There are large breaks between the footage on the tape.
00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with a blue screen.
00:37Copy video clip URL Cut to a WTTW station identification commercial. This followed by a program about the court system.
01:12Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of a Judge’s gavel. Russell Ladson can be heard reading aloud a poem entitled “The Plea.” With a solemn tone of voice, the man reads through his words highlighting the plight of the criminal in the court system. As he reads aloud, the camera dissolves and pans into photos of Chicago’s most wanted criminals and other symbols of law enforcement.
02:40Copy video clip URL A woman introduces the program as the third part of the Trust series “And Justice For All.” We watch as prohibition officer and former ex-offender Walter Hayes talks about his experience in the crime world. He goes into detail about the amount of bribing that many criminals can get away with after committing smaller crimes. Shortly afterward, Judge Earl E. Strayhorn states that “the most effective deterrent of crime is swift and sheer punishment… I think the most effective deterrence to crime is trial of a case and a final disposition, either a finding of guilty or a finding of not guilty within the quickest possible time after arrest.”
04:28Copy video clip URL An actor goes through five different points of view in the legal system: a victim, a police officer, a prison detainee, a lawyer, and a judge. Each point of view highlights the redundancy and flaws within the legal system as well as the roles of the many people that make up the system. This lasts for several minutes.
06:55Copy video clip URL A man comments on the current problems within the court. He gets cut off by piece satirizing the flawed court system stylized to look like an old silent comedy starting a Charlie Chaplin impersonator. This lasts for several minutes.
10:33Copy video clip URL There is a break in footage.
11:32Copy video clip URL Cut to footage of employees at O’Hare Airport. An employee talks about his job reporting on the status of aircrafts for the pilots. Before a pilot enters onto an aircraft, he or she receives a diagnostics report from this man. We watch as a pilot goes through this process. This lasts for several minutes.
14:24Copy video clip URL Cut to an interview with a shoe shiner at O’Hare Airport who talks about the slump in the airline industry due to the economy. He also talks about the many kinds of travelers he interacts with on a normal day. The videomaker goes on to speak with a member of the Krishna Conscious Movement about his reasons for prosthelytizing at O’Hare Airport. The man states that he and his followers feel like they come across many more intelligent people while at airports. He goes on to say that he has been a part of the Krishna Conscious Movement for two and a half years. He states that he has very supportive parents as well.
17:25Copy video clip URL The videomakers speaks with a pair of young boys about their travels. This is followed by another break in footage.
18:37Copy video clip URL Cut to more footage from around the airport. An employee makes a few calls a the check-in counter. Passengers wait for their luggage at baggage claim and make their way around the airport. This is followed by another slight break in footage. This lasts for the remainder of the tape.
21:39Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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