Angiogenesis Inhibitors

News segment detailing the life of Kelley Mitchell, and the experimental treatment she tried in order to combat her cancer.

0:00Copy video clip URL Opens with pictures of a 16 year-old named Kelley Mitchell. In voice-over her mother talks about how Mitchell loved life and how popular she was among her friends. Elizabeth Brackett explains that “last year [Mitchell] lost her battle against cancer.” She had tried an experimental drug that produced positive results for a short time.

0:50Copy video clip URL Donald and Lee Ann Mitchell share how they started taking Mitchell to the doctor when she was 11 due to strange leg pains. Mitchell was eventually diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a type of bone cancer, and fought it for five years.

1:50Copy video clip URL Dr. Chris Rossbach talks about Mitchell’s cancer and her feelings toward it. Brackett talks about the experimental procedure he suggested: angiogenesis.

2:45Copy video clip URL Interview from 1990 where Dr. Judah Folkman explains the drugs he is developing to combat angiogenesis.

3:40Copy video clip URL Dr. Gerald Soff, a researcher who has furthered Dr. Folkman’s work, explains his research in getting the body to produce its own angiostatin. Dr. Rossbach touches upon how he requested permission to use Dr. Soff’s experimental treatment, and the Mitchells discuss how even though the treatment was proposed to them as a radical option with no guarantees, Kelley Mitchell decided to try both for herself and for future research.

5:07Copy video clip URL Brackett explains how Dr. Rossbach carried out treatment. Lee Ann Mitchell shares some of the beginning results of the treatment: a boil filled with dead tumor tissue. Dr. Rossbach compares what they had expected to what actually happened.

6:59Copy video clip URL The segment shows pictures and clips of Mitchell during her period of remission. Dr. Rossbach speculates about how big of a role the angiostatic treatment played in the presence of so many other treatments that were also used.

8:02Copy video clip URL Brackett interviews Dr. Ralph Weichselbaum about his work in combining angiostatin with radiation therapy, and he talks about the necessity of clinical trials.

8:57Copy video clip URL The segment continues with more details about Mitchell’s treatment. After she stopped taking the treatment, a crucial drug involved in the mixture was taken off the market. The mother of another cancer patient reached out to Dr. Rossbach to see if her daughter could have the rest of Kelley’s mixture. Kelley decided to let her use it, though the treatment had no effect on the new patient.

10:43Copy video clip URL Lee Ann talks about Mitchell’s relapse, and all three doctors touch upon the future of research into angiostatin. Brackett shares new drugs being developed along the same ideas.



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