[Ant Farm time capsule opening] – El Livahpla

0:00Copy video clip URL Opening of the 1972 Ant Farm Time Capsule at The Art Guys Museum in Houston, Texas in 2000. Sound is very poorly recorded and is hard to understand. This is raw footage of the event and is not a completed piece.  After general footage of people milling around the gallery, there is a speech by  the museum archivist about the events of 1972.  Curtis Schreier, nearly naked in a bizarre costume, gets onstage and does a semi-inaudible performance.

14:00Copy video clip URL News clips and original footage of the sealing of the time capsule, which is a refrigerator filled with many food products. Sound is very low. Ant Farm members show the products they are including in the capsule.

18:00Copy video clip URL Footage of the museum guests watching the video and waiting as the tim e capsule is opened with a blowtorch. A museum employee announces directions for how to bid on the time capsule, which is being sold through silent auction. The time capsule is opened to reveal a rotted mess inside.

28:25Copy video clip URL “El Livahpla: Waking Dream” by Chip Lord, 2000. “No one has lived in the past and no one will live in the future. The present is the form of all life.” Re-edited excerpt from Alphaville by Jean-Luc Godard, which has also been combined with Lord’s original footage of a parking garage and gym. The image and audio often freeze or skip.



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