Art Com Demo

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0:00 Color bars.

0:50 “Sanspit to Dildo or…Hippity-Hoppity Home Sweet Home” by Chris Mullington. Short video art piece about skateboarding in Vancouver, men in the Yukon dancing with by the mountains, people in Tuktoyatuk, Rodeos in Alberta, Indians in Saskatchewan. A skinhead in Winnipeg talks about being a skinhead without racism. A tour of people in Canada. Little actual information is given, since most of the tape is video effects and sound-jokes.

28:22 “Mr. Dibble” by Teddie Dibble, directed by Steve Baker. A man just sits for awhile looking around.

29:35 “Three Things” Mr. Dibble does three things, cutting the glass between the camera and himself, trying to drill through it, etc. None of them seem to work so well.

31:18 “Video Dating” Teddie Dibble tapes his video dating personal ad.

36:51 “Cantankerous Television” Dibble hits the camera and it falls to the floor.

38:09 Dibble changes settings on the television with a screwdriver, i.e. reds, blues.

40:35 “Sellout Section”, “A Fish Story.” A commercial with Teddie Dibble for the Chancery Pub and Restaurant.

41:18 A commercial by Teddie Dibble for the Chancery.

41:45 “Wake Up” A commercial by Teddie Dibble for the Chancery Pub and Restaurant.

42:15 “A Foul Ball” T. Dibble commercial for the Chancery.

42:38 “Media Massage” by Jill Scott (1988). Sydney Australia. Acress: Sarah Cathcart. A video-effects rap music video for a song about changing the Media. “Massage the media into a message.”

46:41 “Neo Geo: An American Purchase” by Peter Callas (1989) New York. Video effects piece using a montage of images from the American myths, including international comments about America’s place in the world.

55:51 “Bad Laws” by Carol Leigh (Scarlet Harlot) (1988) based on the song by Donna Summer. Supports the legalization of prostitution in California.

59:50 “Red Channels” by Chris Robbins (1989). A short video art piece against censorship.

1:02:31 End of tape.



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