Ben Loves Chicago 9703

In Ben Loves Chicago, which ran for three years on Chicago network WPWR, host Ben Hollis showcases offbeat, niche, parts of “Chicagoland”. This week he visits: a football game, the Rainforest Cafe, LeClaire Courts housing project, and a series of art studios.

0:02Copy video clip URL Color bars. Episode information screen. 

0:43Copy video clip URL Opening for “Ben Loves Chicago.”

1:15Copy video clip URL Ben visits a football game of the Chicago Chargers semi-professional football team. He talks to the team manager, the cheerleaders, some of the spectators, and some of the players.

5:20Copy video clip URL Cut to black.

6:20Copy video clip URL Ben visits the Rainforest Cafe in Shaumburg, IL. Ben talks to customers, the manager, and films all of the decorations in the restaurant.

10:30Copy video clip URL He meets with Andre Robinson at LeClaire Courts, a Chicago public housing project. Robinson gives the history of the place, and talks about what makes it special. He talks to some of their residents and films different parts of the building. They look at the sports facilities, and play basketball together.

14:57Copy video clip URL Cut to black.

15:57Copy video clip URL Ben heads to an art workshop in the tree studios. He talks to the teacher, and he explains why their methodology is different from other places. He talks to some of the students. 

19:58Copy video clip URL Ben visits a car repair shop that is full of artifacts from old style gas stations. 

23:58Copy video clip URL Cut to black. 

24:58Copy video clip URL Ben visits the first venue the Beatles ever performed in Chicago, the International Amphitheatre at 43rd and Halsted in Canaryville/Back of the Yards. (The venue was torn down two years later, in 1999). Ben closes the show. P.O. box. Credits. 

26:33Copy video clip URL Video ends. 

26:49Copy video clip URL Tape ends. 



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