0:00Copy video clip URL Color bars. Episode information screen.
0:41Copy video clip URL “Ben Loves Chicago” opening sequence.
1:14Copy video clip URL Ben visits a company that can be hired to decorate yards as a surprise in the middle of the night with plastic flamingos, smiley faces, or other plastic decorations.
4:42Copy video clip URL Ben visits a fishing shop. The owner shows him some of the different equipment, and they go out fishing in Jackson Park.
8:41Copy video clip URL Cut to black.
9:41Copy video clip URL Ben does an “Instant Talk Show” segment on the “L.” He talks to people riding and asks them what they do, where they’re going, and what makes them happy.
13:57Copy video clip URL Ben goes to a women’s underwear store called “Central Foundations.” He talks to the owners, employees, and customers about what makes their underwear special.
18:28Copy video clip URL Cut to black.
19:28Copy video clip URL Ben goes to a store that sells and displays The Three Stooges memorabilia. He talks to the owner about his passion for the characters, and his business.
23:27Copy video clip URL Cut to black.
24:27Copy video clip URL Ben visits a movement teacher and sees some students that are extremely flexible or double jointed in some way.
25:34Copy video clip URL P.O. Box. Ben closes the show. Credits.
26:23Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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