Ben Loves Chicago 9711

In Ben Loves Chicago, which ran for three years on Chicago network WPWR, host Ben Hollis showcases offbeat, niche, parts of “Chicagoland”. This week he visits: rapper Ace Casanova, a casket store, a Grateful Dead memorabilia store, and an improvisational theater school.

0:00Copy video clip URL Color bars. Episode information screen. 

0:39Copy video clip URL “Ben Loves Chicago” introduction sequence. 

1:15Copy video clip URL Ben meets with a rapper, Ace Casanova, at a Hollywood Video star to talk about instant rap. The rapper goes up to people and improvises rhyme for them on the spot. He talks about how he got into rapping. 

5:38Copy video clip URL Ben visits a store that sells Grateful Dead Memorabilia and related “hippie” products. They talk to the employees and customers about their philosophies as “deadheads.”

10:00Copy video clip URL Cut to black. 

11:00Copy video clip URL Ben visits the improvisational theater school, Players Workshop. He talks to the owner, others that teach there, some of the actors, and he talks about his own experience with the school. He watches some of the improv games. 

14:44Copy video clip URL Ben visits a casket store in Gurnee. Ben looks at the different caskets and talks with the owners about the discounts they offer. 

18:45Copy video clip URL Cut to black.

19:45Copy video clip URL Ben collaborates with the BLC improvisation group from the Players Workshop. At a diner, they improvise a skit together. 

24:00Copy video clip URL Cut to black. 

25:00Copy video clip URL P.O. Box. Ben closes the show. Credits. 

26:21Copy video clip URL Video ends.

27:02Copy video clip URL Tape ends. 



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