Ben Loves Chicago ran for three years on Chicago's WPWR. In episode no. 9809, host Ben Hollis visits an eclectic toy store on Broadway, the Family Fun Christian Center in Wicker Park, and a Snake Lady in Rogers Park. The episode includes an "instant talk show" set up in a Lincolnwood gas station and a segment about fatherhood.
00:25Copy video clip URL Slate
00:35Copy video clip URL Copyright disclaimer
00:53Copy video clip URL Intro and title sequence
01:17Copy video clip URL Preview of the episode
01:29Copy video clip URL Hollis visits the Toyscape (2911 N Broadway St), a store whose proprietors collect and sell offbeat and one-of-a-kind toys. While interacting with the store’s customers and its eclectic assortment of toys, Hollis and one of the store’s proprietors muse on the importance of playful imagination and the development of a creative mind.
06:22Copy video clip URL A segment called “Instant Talk Show.” In Lincolnwood, IL, Hollis plants a desk in the middle of a gas station parking lot and plays the role of a talk show host, inviting random passersby for a brief sit-down interview. Hollis interviews a number of women who are part of a large dance group.
11:09Copy video clip URL Previews before a commercial break.
11:16Copy video clip URL Commercial hole
12:16Copy video clip URL Return with the title sequence
12:20Copy video clip URL Hollis visits the Fun Family Christian Center in Wicker Park (1905 W Schiller St). Dubbed the “Fun Church,” the church’s pastor and liturgy attempt to redefine stereotypical notions of obdurate and taciturn communal worship. A man named Lazarus performs a rap song in front of the congregation. Other dancers perform interpretive routines, adorned with white gowns or black veils. Hollis interviews the pastor and other church members about the church’s emphasis on self-transformation. A number of individuals explain briefly the economic and social pressures in the neighborhood that draw young people toward joining a gang or selling drugs, recounting the church’s role in providing them a different outlook on life.
16:12Copy video clip URL “Pops,” a segment about fatherhood. Hollis visits a youth soccer league to interview fathers about their philosophy of being a father.
18:48Copy video clip URL Preview before a commercial break.
18:54Copy video clip URL Commercial hole
19:55Copy video clip URL Ben Loves Chicago graphic
19:58Copy video clip URL An anonymous apartment building in Rogers Park houses the “Snake Lady.” Julie is the snake lady, and Hollis visits her apartment where she keeps large snakes. Hollis meets other caretakers of the snakes and learns the snake’s names, social behaviors, dietary habits, and sexual anatomy.
24:04Copy video clip URL Preview before a commercial break.
24:14Copy video clip URL Commercial hole
25:14Copy video clip URL Title graphics
25:35Copy video clip URL Request for viewer correspondence
25:50Copy video clip URL Preview of scenes from the next episode
26:06Copy video clip URL Closing credits
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