[Bill Newman tribute]

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The memory of newspaper Chicago reporter/columunist Bill Newman is honored by the recollections of several of his friends, colleagues, and family members including: Rick Kogan; Harlan Dregor; an unidentified author, and Catholic priest; Blair Cayman, architecture critic for the Chicago Tribune; and David Lee, Bill Newman's nephew.

All speakers are behind a podium and taped from a single camera position (with zooms).

Quotes include:

22:15 Harlan Dregor: “I saw [Bill Newman] as a quiet rebel.”

26:25 Harlan Dregor: “[Bill Newman] was an Idealist and a realist.”

1:14:50 – Rick Kogan (quoting a letter from Denny Burn) “I always identified [Bill Newman with] what journalism can and should be.”



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