Footage of various newspapers clippings from Bill Veeck's scrapbook.
00:01Copy video clip URL Newspaper clipping from St. Louis.
00:22Copy video clip URL Clippings about Eddie Gaedel.
1:07Copy video clip URL Pan shot of “The Beginning and End of Big League Midgets” from September 3, 1951.
1:29Copy video clip URL Another shot of the famous Gaedel picture.
2:00Copy video clip URL Veeck and woman walking outside St. Louis Browns Offices. A picture of Veeck lounging on a chair.
2:51Copy video clip URL Shot of Veeck’s scrapbook: “Bill Veeck 1951-”
3:08Copy video clip URL Shot of Marine Corps League citation for “1948 Outstanding Marine of the Year.”
3:32Copy video clip URL Shot of certificate from Sporting News: “No 1. Minor league executive in 1942.”
4:15Copy video clip URL Picture of Veeck and Satchel Paige.
4:45Copy video clip URL Shot of opened scrapbook with several newspaper clippings: “Bill Veeck: Baseball’s Barnum?”
5:24Copy video clip URL Another scrapbook shot, including articles from the L.A. Times.
6:25Copy video clip URL Cartoon of Veeck on his way to California.
7:27Copy video clip URL Veeck shirtless in his garden.
7:35Copy video clip URL Veeck’s portrait in the Herald Tribune.
8:06Copy video clip URL Veeck with a bloodhound. Another headline: “Veeck: Maverick and Rebel.”
9:07Copy video clip URL Clippings from the Chicago Sun-Times and the Chicago Tribune.
9:52Copy video clip URL Another political cartoon from The Sporting News.
11:16Copy video clip URL In the garden.
11:19Copy video clip URL Color bars.
11:26Copy video clip URL Picture of Veeck on the phone.
15:10Copy video clip URL Same shot of Veeck on the phone.
15:45Copy video clip URL Back to man on phone.
16:58Copy video clip URL Shot of bricks.
17:17Copy video clip URL Tree burl.
17:44Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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