Bill’s Point of View

Three short opinion pieces featuring Bill Veeck speaking about sports.

0:00Copy video clip URL Slate, count-in.

0:18Copy video clip URL Veeck in a bar gives his explanation for why re-negotiations are so common in baseball. He thinks that college coaches are extremely dishonest and can be swayed by small amounts of money. He talks about Lou Saban, whom he sees as the worst example of contract-breaking and dishonesty.

2:02Copy video clip URL Veeck in bar saying that they are lucky since it appears that two buyers want to purchase the White Sox. He talks about other teams that are up for sale, who might buy them, and why people want to sell. He talks about his experience buying the Cleveland Indians. He says the players now control the teams, not the owners.

4:04Copy video clip URL Veeck in bar trying to figure out which sport has the best athletes. He says all of them are frauds, it is the jockeys who are the best athletes. They are also the only honorable athletes, since they are the only ones who it is legal to bet on. They are also in perfect physical condition. Then he talks about female jockeys. He says they are weaker, but smarter, and they have love affairs with the horses, and for this they are the best jockeys.

6:20Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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