Book Beat

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0:00 Bars and tone, slate, black.

1:05 Book Beat opening. Host Bob Cromie. Guest David Halberstam, author of “Powers That Be.”

1:35 Cromie and Halberstam discuss how Halberstam came up with the idea for his book. Halberstam relates story about Adelai Stevenson. Halberstam talks about interviewing Katharine Graham, widow of Phil Graham. Halberstam says there is a covenant between the writer and the reader – the writer needs to make the story come alive.

6:59 Halberstam tells story about Phil Carter, a journalist.

9:15 Halberstam talks about Katharine Graham again.

12:20 Halberstam talks about Vietnam and the media coverage of the war.

14:58 Halberstam talks about the strong characters in his book, such as Nor man and Dorothy Chandler.

17:18 Halberstam talks about the role of newspapers and the politics of their operation. Halberstam talks about the layout of LA.

20:30 Halberstam talks about the power of television in politics. Talks about the televised Kennedy-Nixon debates.

24:50 They talk about Walter Cronkite and his political views and actions.

28:44 Cromie closes the program.

29:06 Credits.

29:50 End of tape.



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