A detailed news clip concerning a new cancer treatment that targets angiogenesis, and Kelley Mitchell's battle with cancer using this experimental treatment.
0:14Copy video clip URL Opens with audio of Lee Ann Mitchell talking about her daughter Kelley before the cancer while her pictures are shown on screen. Lee Ann and her husband Donald talk about when they suspected something may be wrong with Kelley, and their experience when receiving the cancer diagnosis.
1:41Copy video clip URL Kelley Mitchell’s treatment. Photos and videos of Mitchell are shown while Brackett talks about Mitchell’s time in the hospital battling multiple cancers.
2:05Copy video clip URL Lee Ann and Donald Mitchell talk about their daughter’s relapse.
2:32Copy video clip URL Dr. Chris Rossbach talks about Mitchell’s reaction to her cancer, and her various treatments. Brackett explains the main treatment Dr. Rossbach looked into: angiogenesis.
3:23Copy video clip URL Dr. Judah Folkman explains more about angiogenesis in footage from an interview conducted 10 years prior. Followed by how Dr. Folkman’s ideas were received, his development of the angiogenesis inhibitors, and discovery of naturally occurring proteins in the body that would block angiogenesis.
4:52Copy video clip URL Olga Volpert talks Dr. Noel Bouck’s work in describing just how angiogenesis functions.
5:27Copy video clip URL More information on the expenses and difficulties that come with manufacturing the needed proteins to stop angiogenesis. Description of Dr. Gerald Soff’s work in getting the body to make its own supply of the needed proteins. Dr. Soff talks briefly about the process.
6:32Copy video clip URL Dr. Rossbach shares his discovery of Dr. Soff’s research, and his writing of the proposal to use it for Mitchell.
7:00Copy video clip URL The Mitchells talk about how Dr. Rossbach approached them with the research. He made no guarantees, but offered to try the experimental drug for Mitchell. Lee Ann describes her daughter’s willingness to try it.
7:36Copy video clip URL Brackett explains Dr. Rossbach’s “angiostatic cocktail” used to treat Mitchell. Dr. Soff and Dr. Rossbach add some details. Mrs. Mitchell shares her daughter’s reaction to the treatment: a boil containing dead cancer cells.
10:06Copy video clip URL Mitchell’s life during remission. Lee Ann and Donald show pictures from Kelley’s 16th birthday, and videos of her are shown while Brackett talks about her teen years.
10:48Copy video clip URL Dr. Rossbach expresses his reservations about the treatment’s results.
11:36Copy video clip URL Dr. Ralph Weichselbaum talks about his research in combining angiostatic treatment with radiation therapy, and the importance of clinical trials. Dr. Soff chimes in with his reservations about declaring this a radical new treatment just yet.
12:57Copy video clip URL Brackett speaks about when Mitchell stopped taking the treatment, and the doses the hospital saved in case of relapse. Details about the drug used in Mitchell’s treatment being pulled off the market.
14:00Copy video clip URL Description of the saved drugs’ use on Karen, another cancer patient, with Kelley Mitchell’s consent.
15:10Copy video clip URL Dr. Rossbach talks about why the drug cocktail may not have worked on Karen.
15:50Copy video clip URL Lee Ann Mitchell describes the beginning of Kelley’s relapse, and Kelley’s desire to stop further treatment and spend her last days at home.
17:06Copy video clip URL Dr. Rossbach points to different treatments Mitchell could have tried, but that he respected her decision. The Mitchells share that they did not regret giving Karen the remaining experimental treatment.
18:05Copy video clip URL Dr. Soff speculates about Mitchell’s chance of survival if she had tried the treatment again. The Mitchells express their thankfulness for the time the drug gave them with their daughter.
20:03Copy video clip URL More about Mitchell’s life during her teen years, and her desire to be remembered.
20:22Copy video clip URL Brackett explains the steps going forward in testing angiostatic treatment, and the progress that has already been made.
21:08Copy video clip URL Brief profile of Jodi Polly, a patient in the clinical trials of the treatment.
22:33Copy video clip URL Status update of Dr. Weichselbaum’s continued research in mice, and his hopes to start human trials.
22:54Copy video clip URL Details of the financial side of drug development.
23:48Copy video clip URL Brackett closes out the segment.
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