[Jane Byrne’s Easter at Cabrini raw #3]

Raw video from inside the Chicago Police Department's 18th District station after protesters at Jane Byrne's Cabrini Green Easter celebration were arrested. The video features a group of lawyers speaking with police officers in order to get their facts straight. The last four minutes of video feature a short segment of the Jesse White Tumblers and a short segment from a street festival.

00:07Copy video clip URL Open to a police station. A line of people are being processed for arrest. It is unclear what crime was committed or by whom. Video of several policemen on the phone.

2:32Copy video clip URL Cameraman from Channel 11 walks to the personnel line and then the processing desk. A lawyer argues with a policemen behind the desk: “The rule is that unless you think we’re going to create some kind of disturbance we’re allowed to see our clients when they are in custody.”

4:59Copy video clip URL The lawyer explains that there was a rally for Jesse Jackson that got out of hand. She speaks with the press. Apparently, someone grabbed a policeman’s radio (or gun) and then everyone in the vicinity was arrested. A group of lawyers tries to get their facts straight.

8:21Copy video clip URL Cut to the exterior of the 18th police district police station. Pan from a shot of the Sears Tower to a Chicago Police Department sign.

9:07Copy video clip URL Back to arrest processing.

10:50Copy video clip URL A sergeant describes whether the arrested individuals will be charged with disorderly conduct or mob action. The lawyer speaks with the officer and describes the scene. She maintains that people were “snatched” out of the protest for doing nothing at all.

12:09Copy video clip URL Lawyer is on the phone. She complains that the people arrested weren’t given their phone calls. The sergeant says that everyone can post bond ($35) once their fingerprints clear. It is unclear whether the arrested people will be charged with mob action.

14:28Copy video clip URL Videomaker Tom Weinberg explains that people will not be charged with mob action. The sergeant takes the lawyer’s information. The sergeant explains: “Two people are going to the hospital…” The lawyer fills in details for the camera: “Abdul’s back…they aggravated it during the arrest…” Another person’s back is hurting, too, due to the initial handcuffing.

17:38Copy video clip URL Cut to the Jesse White Tumblers flipping over each other at Cabrini-Green.

19:02Copy video clip URL Police officers at a festival. The festival appears to be going smoothly.

20:06Copy video clip URL Cut to a ventriloquist singing “Old McDonald.”

21:17Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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