[Channel 500 Promo]

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0:00 Bars and tone, slate, black.

1:13 Watch It! Old documentary from 1939 explains how television works. Voice over says that Channel 500 will be something new. Variety and Verite.

2:08 Couple plays violins in a living room. Man talks about playing second fiddle. Skip Blumberg runs in to a pole while walking and talking to him.

2:42 Todd Alcott does “Look at Me” monologue.

3:12 People agree to be shown on TV.

3:31 Music video “Yippi Ki Yippie Ki-O.”

3:49 Shelton, Washington. Boy with a microphone talks to some baby pigs.

4:10 Man sings song “What’s that Smell?” about environment. Plays ukelele.

4:28 Flying Morning Glory (on fire) by Skip Blumberg. At an outdoor restaurant in Phitsanulok, Thailand, a cook demonstrates how to make a stir-fried dish with morning glory leaves. “Make sure the wok is very hot,” he says and then tosses the meal in the air behind him, which is caught on a plate by the server.

4:49 Satellite TV clip of Larry King and Bill Clinton talking during a commercial break. King tells Clinton that Ted Turner is a big fan and will “serve him” after he is elected.

5:21 New York taxi driver Robert Demella with Skip Blumberg. “Do you realize our generation that grew up on TV is probably the STUPIDEST generation to come down the pike?” “If it’s not quick, if it’s not easy, if it’s not fast food junk for the mind, you don’t wanna hear about it.”


5:48 Voice over does promo for the channel.

6:34 Credits.

6:55 Black.

7:05 Logo.

7:19 Capetown 1994. Inside hotel. Staff brings meal to Nelson Mandela. By Andrew Jones. Everyone leaves and Jones talks to them in the elevator. Can see him in the mirror. White man talks about freedom. Audio very confusing because of ambient noise.

13:15 Man hooking up satellite for video whistlestop by Barbara Bush at the White House. We see Bush repeatedly saying the same things. From “Spin” by Brian Springer.

14:17 The Kennedy’s emerge from the voting booth. JFK speaks, other footage. People’s faces as they learn of his death. The actual event. Music composed of speech fragments. Sound bytes. Walter Cronkite.

16:48 Credits.

16:58 Black.

17:50 Inside factory. Making golf clubs. People speak in Italian. We interview workers.

19:44 Black.

20:30 End of tape.



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