[Chicago Crossings: Bridges and Boundaries, reel 10]

A group of artists and curators meet to have food and discuss the content and layout of the catalog for the Spertus Museum of Judaica's 1994 companion exhibit to the Chicago Historical Society's "Bridges and Boundaries" show.

0:25Copy video clip URL Artists and associated parties are shown sitting around a table, eating and talking among themselves. Most of the conversation is indistinct, but what we can hear seems to be primarily small talk, namely a short conversation between Marva Jolly and Edith Altman.

3:52Copy video clip URL Morrie Fred welcomes the guests. “I assume by seeing all of your very satisfied countenances that the artwork is proceeding beautifully,” he quips, met with averted eyes and uneasy chuckles.

4:54Copy video clip URL Fred introduces Julia Perkins of the Chicago Historical Society before going on to talk about the collaboration between their two museums and his excitement for the project.

7:00Copy video clip URL Going around the table, the guests take turns introducing themselves and stating their involvement with the project.

8:25Copy video clip URL The group has a lengthy discussion about the layout and content of the show’s catalog.



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