[Chicago Crossings: Bridges and Boundaries, reel 28; Parada/Walker]

In the third part of Kartemquin Films' day in Esther Parada's studio, she, Kerry Marshall, Hamza Walker, and Marva Jolly experiment with Photoshop; manipulating a number of Marshall's headshots, and joke and talk in the process.

1:40Copy video clip URL Hamza Walker is shown holding the November 18, 1993 issue of TIME while maintaining that the creators of the cover have mistaken the idea of “diversity” with homogeneous blending.

6:00Copy video clip URL Parada begins manipulating the images of Kerry Marshall. “Let’s go for the Michael Jackson effect,” Marshall jokes, met by a rouse of laughter. Marshall and Walker begin talking about their problems with Michael Jackson’s transformation while Marva Jolly defends him.

10:17Copy video clip URL The group continues to marvel at the wonders of Photoshop while manipulating Marshall’s appearance. At Marshall’s request, Parada makes a low-brightness, high-contrast version of one of Marshall’s stills, which resembles the stereotypical blackface caricature. The group is very amused at the outcome, and Marshall asks for a printout.

18:16Copy video clip URL B-roll shot of the aforementioned TIME cover.

18:53Copy video clip URL Parada and Walker talk with Kartemquin’s Jerry Blumenthal about the boom audio.



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