[Chicago Crossings: Bridges and Boundaries, reel 39]

A Kartemquin Films crew attends the opening of the Spertus Museum of Judaica's exhibition, "Bridges and Boundaries: Chicago Crossings" on May 19th, 1994.

0:22Copy video clip URL Morrie Fred, director of the Spertus Museum, proposes a toast at the show’s opening reception. “We hope that through this [show] we will be able to reach out to audiences and… bridge—I think—a major boundary that exists between cultural institutions in this country and the public at large.”

3:49Copy video clip URL Dorothy Foster of AT&T—one of the main sponsors of the show—speaks about her company’s involvement and interest in the show. “[The project] meshes with what AT&T’s mission is; we strive to bring people together,” Foster says with a chuckle.

5:25Copy video clip URL John Rozelle talks with Joel Feldman about Feldman’s prints and their shared disdain for openings.

6:41Copy video clip URL The artists and patrons mingle.

7:31Copy video clip URL B-roll shots of the gallery, including Kartemquin’s introductory video and perusing patrons.

10:40Copy video clip URL Edith Altman talks with a woman in front of her installation.

12:44Copy video clip URL Marva Jolly talks with a number of women about her pieces.

19:14Copy video clip URL B-roll footage of patrons in the gallery.

21:20Copy video clip URL Foster talks about her interpretation of John Rozelle’s “Red Summer Swimmer” as a history major who wrote her thesis on the Chicago race riots of 1919. “Affirmative action or equal opportunity or diversity are not just buzz words, it’s an attempt to try and level the playing field, to make good for some wrongs that may have happened before our time, but still have a significant impact on us,” Foster suggests.

27:35Copy video clip URL Shots of a Jewish man and a Black man examining a series of photographs.

28:50Copy video clip URL B-roll footage of patrons in the gallery.



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