[Chicago Crossings: Bridges and Boundaries, reel 42]

At the opening of the Spertus Museum of Judaica's 1994 exhibition, "Bridges and Boundaries: Chicago Crossings," artist Kerry James Marshall talks about his piece for the show.

0:24Copy video clip URL Kerry James Marshall explains how much of what his friend just elucidated regarding the use of the star as a gang symbol was new to him, while his friend reiterates how he gets his information: he works with youth at Street Level Video in West Town.

1:45Copy video clip URL Marshall references the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre and Baruch Goldstein, explaining how this raised awareness led him to notice the six-pointed star tagged all around his community.

3:18Copy video clip URL Marshall draws on the similarities between Goldstein’s sect and Black gangs. “You got people who are known to be radically opposed to the existence of Arabs in the neighborhood, you give them some machine guns and a policy that you’re not gonna bother them if they’re shooting at people… what’s the difference between that and the Vice Lords doing drive-bys or the Black Disciples doing drive-bys and the police not doing anything about it?”

5:00Copy video clip URL Marshall illuminates his hopes for his piece, saying: “It’s not a piece that tends to try to sum up anything, if anything I hope that it would raise questions about the origin of signs and the way they’re constantly changing. … Signs aren’t a closed system of meaning; they’re open, they’re broader.”



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