Kathy Lieb of the Spertus Museum of Judaica leads a small group of students through the Spertus' 1994 exhibition, "Bridges and Boundaries: Chicago Crossings." The group discusses work from a number of artists, with topics ranging from Auschwitz to Photoshop.
0:35Copy video clip URL Kathy Lieb introduces the group to Fan Warren’s piece for the show, explaining how she gave the museum no background for the piece so their interpretations are important. The students—along with their teacher—take turns interpreting the piece, coming to the conclusion that the piece deals with the commonalities of slavery and concentration camps.
4:13Copy video clip URL The group discusses Joel Feldman’s fablelike woodcuts.
9:05Copy video clip URL Lieb begins talking about Marva Jolly’s figures and the differing nature of her work. “[Jolly] thought, ‘How can I as an artist bring some healing and some sort of positive energy to this exhibition and the people who look at it?'” Lieb explains.
12:05Copy video clip URL The group moves into John Pitman Weber’s work as Lieb suggests that Weber’s work is an embodiment of the Spertus’ reasoning behind the Bridges and Boundaries show. Weber’s pieces focus on the untenable ignorance of Black issues, specifically on the part of Jews.
18:20Copy video clip URL The group moves into Esther Parada and Hamza Walker’s area of the exhibit. Lieb mentions that Parada and Walker’s sense of humor played an important role in their work, and that the end product was very amusing to all participating artists.
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