[Chicago Crossings: Bridges and Boundaries, reel 59; Student Mural Day #2]

This tape contains b-roll of the mural project done in conjunction with the Spertus Museum of Judaica's 1994 exhibition "Bridges and Boundaries." The tape also contains a discussion between the two teachers in charge of the mural and an employee of the museum as they attempt to work through problems concerning the holes being cut in the mural.

0:00Copy video clip URL After apparently calibrating some settings on the camera like the white balance, the camerman b-roll of the students as they continue to work on the mural project.

2:29Copy video clip URL The sound cuts out as the camera records more b-roll around the room.

4:38Copy video clip URL The audio returns. The teachers, Esther and Kiela, are talking about the request from Spertus to cut holes in the mural so that the fence which will hold the mural won’t blow over. They go down to look at the first panel, which has recently had the holes cut, and discuss the problems and mistakes that occurred: sawdust has embedded into the paint and will need to be repainted, and also the person who cut the panel cut out areas they did not want to be removed.

14:30Copy video clip URL Esther and Kiela go up to the Spertus office to talk about their issues with the cutouts. They speak to Rebecca, one of the docents who is the interim manager while the head of the project is on vacation. Rebecca goes to get Paul, who did the cutouts. Paul requests not to be recorded, so Kartemquin only records Esther and Kiela during the conversation. Paul thinks he made good decisions on what to cut out, but the teachers disagree. They talk about how they have tried to make the holes aesthetically and thematically consistent with the work as a hole. “You have not lived with this mural for a week and a half, you have not worked on the design, you don’t have all the other panels to see the flow, and so for you to make that sort of decision and for you to say it was the right decision, I don’t think is right,” Kiela says. Rebecca moderates the conversation and works through how to proceed from here.

25:07Copy video clip URL Esther, Kiela, and Paul look at the panels and talk about how to approach the cutouts. Blumenthal asks Paul how to came to 10% for the percentage of wood that needed to be removed, but the tape cuts. The footage is continued on K287-21.

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