[Chicago Crossings: Bridges and Boundaries, reel 6; Gerda M. Bernstein]

Artist Gerda Meyer-Bernstein gathering broken glass from dumpsters at Smith Glass. She discusses her project as she gathers glass.

0:08Copy video clip URL Gerda Meyer-Bernstein explains to Charles the premise behind the Spertus Museum’s exhibition, as well as the layout and concept of her own personal piece. “We’re totally mixed; we’re not separate anymore, and the recognition of the senselessness of destruction means that we can be like the phoenix that rises out of its own ashes to begin a march to unity and respect and caring for humankind regardless of Black and White.”

3:33Copy video clip URL Charles begins talking about Smith Glass’ storied history. Founded by his father in 1945, Smith Glass grew from a 3-man and one pickup truck operation to a successful family business that helped put 7 children and 8 grandchildren through college. Furthermore, Charles goes on to talk about some of the company’s biggest achievements, including winning the commission for Rev. Johnnie Colemon’s Christ Universal Temple and hosting Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the early 1960s.

10:49Copy video clip URL Charles expresses his amazement with the work of glass sculptors. “It’s quite interesting what they do with that glass..it’s just hard to believe that you can take a scrap piece of glass and make quite a picture somehow,” he muses, before getting invited by the Kartemquin crew to attend the opening and talk with them again, reacting to Gerda’s finished work.

13:33Copy video clip URL Meyer-Bernstein talks about her inspiration for using repurposed materials. In addition to the simple pleasure she gets from recycling, Gerda also reflects on “how dangerous really the piece is, and…how dangerous it is [to her] the concept of us fighting one another.”

15:10Copy video clip URL Charles is shown in his office holding a photo of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. shooting pool.

16:56Copy video clip URL Charles flips through a catalog of Meyer-Bernstein’s work as she explains each piece to him.

21:03Copy video clip URL Tape end.



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