[Chicago Crossings: Bridges and Boundaries, reel 74; Spertus Museum, Mural Installation]

This tape contains b-roll of the "Bridges and Boundaries" mural being hung outside the Spertus Museum of Judaica.

0:00Copy video clip URL Bars and tone.

1:49Copy video clip URL Paul and another man a mural panel outside and begin to hang it on the fence next to the museum.

10:50Copy video clip URL Kiela and Esther look at the buckles being used to attach the mural to the fence. The primer on the buckles hasn’t completely dried yet, so some of it is transfering to the mural itself, which means they will have more work to do retouching the mural at the end.

14:44Copy video clip URL They record b-roll of the museum and the second panel being hung.

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