Raw footage for "Chicago Slices," a series about everyday life in Chicago. In this video, Karen Hutt interviews Araceli Trujillo, a Mexican-American teenager who lives in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago. Araceli talks about her life, family, school, and knowledge of the suburbs, among other things, as they walk through the Mexican-American community together.
00:00Copy video clip URL Karen Hutt introduces the tape outside Araceli’s house. Hutt knocks on the door and Araceli opens the door and invites her in. They sit down and Araceli explains that she’s a sophomore at Benito Juarez High School in Pilsen and is excited to finish the school year. She says that she works at the Children’s Museum and describes what she does., saying that it is her first job and that she likes it a lot. Videomaker Doug Sawyer asks her to help quiet down the kids on the street.
03:45Copy video clip URL Araceli explains that she’s interested in studying child psychology and business, and that one day would like to open her own daycare for children. She goes on to talk about life in Pilsen and the demographics of the neighborhood, explaining that people come from Mexico and settle in Pilsen because there are no jobs in Mexico. She claims that a lot of young people end up on the street getting into trouble with gangs, which can destroy families. They talk about the gang truces that have been happening in order to help reduce violence in the neighborhood.
06:08Copy video clip URL Araceli says that she lives with her mom, a single parent, and her younger brothers. She finds it tough to handle the household, since her mom has to work a lot.
07:08Copy video clip URL Araceli shows Hutt around the house, talking about the chores that she needs to do, and showing pictures of the important people in her life that she keeps by her bed.
09:08Copy video clip URL They sit back in the front room and Araceli talks about the things that she does with her friends and the music she likes. She shows the picture of her sister’s quincenera, and talks about the significance of this milestone in the life of a young Mexican woman, since it means that the girl becomes an adult and takes on more responsibility.
12:52Copy video clip URL They take a walk outside, pass the school next door, and Araceli talks about her path to high school. She talks about the differing standards for girls and boys in explaining how her mom justifies how the boys do not help out around the house. Araceli says that she had to grow up fast, so much so that she really has become like a second mom to her younger siblings.
16:30Copy video clip URL They discuss Mexican culture in the educational system and Araceli tells stories about going to school in Mexico when she was seven, and how she was discriminated against for being from the U.S. Because of that time, she lost a year of her education here in the U.S., but that it doesn’t really bother her.
19:30Copy video clip URL Araceli explains that she doesn’t really have a hobby, but she just likes to do whatever comes to her. She describes 26th Street in the Little Village neighborhood as a major business district in the area for Mexicans.
20:55Copy video clip URL They run into her brother, Jimmy, 16, who says that his sister is pretty nice because she has to do most of the work around home. He leaves, and then Araceli continues talking about the burden of managing the household duties.
22:55Copy video clip URL Araceli says it’s important for her to live in an area where a lot of Mexicans also live, and then discusses the challenges of street vendors in obtaining rights in the city.
25:20Copy video clip URL As they pass a liquor store, Araceli brings up the issue of alcoholism in the community. She says that her relatives live in Cicero, but that she doesn’t like it because it’s too quiet. She says that she has family who live in Michigan during the summers and explains how she takes advantage of the fruit there every summer.
29:15Copy video clip URL Araceli calls the neighborhood murals “the best idea ever,” and goes on to say that she’s not an artist and instead prefers subjects like algebra and geometry. As they pass some guys on the street, she points out that these are the people she avoids.
31:45Copy video clip URL They arrive at Harrison Park, and Araceli says there are new amenities in the field house. They see some kids who know Araceli in the park and on the street.
34:50Copy video clip URL They sit on a bench in the park and talk about the suburbs. Araceli says she doesn’t know much about the suburbs, except that it’s quiet. Hutt explains that they’re going to introduce her to another girl, Mary Ann, who lives in Palatine. Araceli speculates about outsiders’ impressions of the community, saying that it is okay if people are afraid of the neighborhood.
39:30Copy video clip URL Araceli says she hopes to grow up and meet other people, and then goes on to talk about her mom’s stress as a source of worry for her. She often doesn’t feel like she has anyone to talk to about her own challenges and needs.
41:30Copy video clip URL Shots of Hutt and Araceli walking around the park, and other shots of life around Pilsen.
43:50Copy video clip URL Araceli talks about the closing of her neighborhood church due to financial reasons, and talks about the services the church provided her and the others in the community.
45:10Copy video clip URL Sawyer chats with two young guys, Sergio and Juan, on their bikes.
48:45Copy video clip URL A street is flooded due to a fire hydrant pouring water out while kids play in the water.
50:17Copy video clip URL Audio goes out for a few minutes as they walk back home. Sound comes back as they talk about the arrangements to take her out to Palatine, and then a quick introduction to her friend. Her little brother, Sergio, comes out eating an ice cream cone. The siblings talk and tease each other. Two other boys, Rich and Nick, approach the camera and chat with Sawyer as they say goodbye to Araceli.
55:15Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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