[Chicago Slices raw: BIRL Pothole Patcher #2]


00:00Copy video clip URL Footage continues from tape 14078. B-roll in the BIRL lab.

00:10Copy video clip URL To Jim Blaha: Do guys here have nicknames? Parts of the truck do: the Rambo gun. Everyone here goes by initials: JB, JO, HU, DL, RR, JC. And we work on the APRV (Automated Pavement Repair Vehicle). It’s science. You have to have acronyms for science.

01:22Copy video clip URL B-roll of the garage, the lab, scientists at work measuring cubic feet of propane.

02:16Copy video clip URL B-roll of scientists at work on the truck.

03:01Copy video clip URL Videographer talks to Dave, age 26. He’s been working at BIRL 4 months on the bomb bay door. What do you like about the job? It’s different, never the same. Good people, very intelligent. The truck never would have been built without them.

04:33Copy video clip URL What car do you have? A Toyota. Any bad experiences with potholes? No, but I’m the victim of other drivers hitting me. Are you emotionally scarred? Maybe during a rainy storm. I act strange because the accidents I’ve had were in the rain.

05:25Copy video clip URL Jim and another scientist prepare to test how much air is used to fire the torch, but they can’t find a match.

06:03Copy video clip URL Interview question: What’s your favorite movie about scientists? Forbidden Planet, because there are robotics, space, and aliens. The machine they are testing starts up. They continue searching for a lighter.

07:49Copy video clip URL Videographer asks Jim about the idea of the absent minded professor. Is it a myth? Yes. We’re so active. You’ll find someone has just picked something up that you need.

08:20Copy video clip URL Jim lights the propane gas. There’s no exit flame, yet the exhaust is 1,500 degrees of temperature. They are measuring how much air is being used to fire the torch [to soften pavement for filling].

10:33Copy video clip URL The scientist explains that this is part of the Rambo gun, the heating system used to get debris from the road. He explains that each part is tested and the scientists do everything to make the perfect patch in any weather, night or day. This unit will also provide safety for the operating worker.

13:00Copy video clip URL B-roll of the front drill in operation.

14:25Copy video clip URL Jim takes videographer on tour of the pot holes nearby that the team has patched as test. He says the team receives calls from citizens who’ve heard of the program asking to fix their road.

16:20Copy video clip URL He shows experimental patches at University Place in Evanston.

17:15Copy video clip URL Interview question: How can you tell the difference between your patch and what the city does? Ours is completely flat and indistinguishable from the road. He shows how the older techniques have failed over time and discusses why there are so many potholes on University Place: drainage, salt in winter, heavy truck traffic.

19:38Copy video clip URL Interior at BIRL office. Videographer talks with Penny Chen, research scientist, image processing. She gives a tour of her lab, of the heat controller that replaces manual controls with automated ones.

21:56Copy video clip URL Interview questions: Where did you go to school? Bachelors degree in China, masters at Northern Illinois University. Why did you come to the US? To study and work in my field.

22:57Copy video clip URL A model of the APRV truck is examined. Jim describes how the model is used to determine how the truck functions, how the metal is arranged, how the tanks are placed, determining the center of gravity, suspension, and how the repair box works.

25:05Copy video clip URL Jim shows early designs in the drafting area.

25:37Copy video clip URL Jim talks about how the design starts: brainstorming session, drafting, pricing, review, back to drawing board, re-design, using CAD to draw and modify, machinists assemble, scientists test, and then integrate into the truck.

27:08Copy video clip URL Videographer and Jim discuss who at BIRL can give permission for this footage to appear on TV.

27:35Copy video clip URL END.



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