Raw footage for "Chicago Slices," a series about everyday life in Chicago. This video is a continuation of footage of a benefit for Community Support Systems, a non-profit organization based in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago. This is followed by Tobi Johnson interviewing members of the Klingon Assault Group at a Star Trek Convention in Harvey, Illinois. She interviews Jerry Murphy, of the group, who says that they put on full Klingon make-up and costume and perform service work in the community. Johnson also follows around a set of twin boys who are new members of the group and tell a bit about the Star Trek fan community and how they are involved in the group.
00:00Copy video clip URL Inside Community Support Systems, a band plays live music, singing in Spanish, while people sit at tables, listening, drinking soda, and talking. People begin to take to the dance floor, as well.
06:22Copy video clip URL Jose Canderas, director of the board for the not-for-profit, takes the microphone and introduces the other members of the board of directors. He also introduces a new scholarship opportunity that the organization is sponsoring.
09:55Copy video clip URL The tape cuts to a Star Trek convention at the Chicago South Expo Center in Harvey, Illinois, where a number of people are dressed up in Klingon outfits. Tobi Johnson briefly interviews one member of the group, Dave Wertz, who says he has fun doing this. He explains that Klingon language has “no patience for niceties of human language.”
12:30Copy video clip URL “Captain Tosash,” aka Jerry Murphy, introduces himself, and then all the members of the group gather and introduce themselves with both their Klingon name and their “terra” name. They are: Jeff Minawski, Jerry Murphy, Linda Roe, Andi Stabler, Raymond Lawson, Mike Bins, Julie Pruitt, Bob Hessles, Pamela Fox, Dave Wertz, Dave Minawski, and Sue Minawski.
17:43Copy video clip URL Murphy tells the history of the “Klingon Assault Group,” whose mission is to do more than just go to Trekkie conventions, but also to be involved in community service. He says that the membership is over 2,000 members strong and worldwide, and then describes some of the activities they do in costume, including blood drives, bowling fundraisers for charity, and directing traffic. He talks also about how people react to them in public. Murphy then goes on to talk about how they support each other in their make-up and costume development, describing how they get their makeup on (which takes about an hour).
22:35Copy video clip URL Murphy says he’s 42 years old, and that he prefers the old Star Trek, because he has more respect for Captain Kirk than Captain Piccard. According to him, Kirk would “shoot first and ask questions later.” He says that he really plays up the community service aspect of the organization, and then talks about Klingon biology and history.
27:30Copy video clip URL Linda Roe says that they are “fun, party hearty Klingons.” She talks with fellow Klingons about their volunteer work. Roe goes on to say, “I don’t want to be normal. I don’t want to grow up. I’m having a ball with this.”
30:32Copy video clip URL Roe says that she prefers the new Star Trek series because of the action and special effects. She says that she does prefer the old Klingons, though, and talks specifically about female Klingons who are her heroes. She points out a key chain which has many of the sounds of the original series, describing each sound and what it represented in the series.
33:10Copy video clip URL The twin boys describe their shoes and their outfits, and how they made them. They say that a lot of their peers think that this is stupid, but there are a few that are also in to Star Trek. They also speak about their finances and how they manage to pay for this hobby. One of the twins says that he prefers the new Star Trek, while the other one says he likes both.
38:35Copy video clip URL Murphy introduces Brian, the costume and make up design expert. They look over the collectible weapons and describe how they are supposed to work. They walk over to the auditorium, where a crowd cheers while some of the Star Trek cast are introduced and take the stage.
41:45Copy video clip URL Johnson speaks with their mother, Sue, who describes the process of making their boots. She then tells who is on stage, saying that it is Quark, a Ferengie, who is “all ears.”
44:50Copy video clip URL One of the twins says that he draws for fun, and his friends pay him money for his drawings. They both say that their father thinks they’re crazy for doing this, and tell the story of how they went to McDonald’s and the parking lot cleared out because people were afraid. They also talk about what Klingons eat, and then list their favorite episodes.
49:30Copy video clip URL The twins say that sometimes Star Trek is related to real life, for instance when the plots are related to government disputes, but mostly it is just for fun. They show some of the ways to designate promotions and ranks, and describe Klingon initiation rituals. They have their own Klingon group with meetings.
55:40Copy video clip URL The boys demonstrate the Klingon greeting, and talk about the Klingon dictionary and language. They show a copy of the Klingon dictionary, as well. This is followed by more shots of Star Trek memorabilia and closing shots outside the convention center.
59:28Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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