GALLERY 37: Summer long workshop sponsored by the School of the Art Institute and the City of Chicago, to employ high school student artists. Interviews with various student artists and teachers.
00:00Copy video clip URL Videographer walks along a sidewalk, downtown Chicago. B-roll of pedestrians, traffic.
01:55Copy video clip URL Wide shot, b-roll of Gallery 37, a large outdoor art camp with tents and giant artwork painted on the side of a building.
02:28Copy video clip URL B-roll of a woman paints a large mural of a folk tale scene.
02:38Copy video clip URL B-roll inside a tent various young artists are painting park benches.
02:59Copy video clip URL Emmanuel Hernandez, a teenage artist, introduces himself. He is painting a park bench. He says he got involved with Gallery 37 through a teacher who told him about the program. He says most people who are here are painters. He is painting the profile of a woman on the bench. He said it will take about a week to complete and that he uses acrylic paint.
05:03Copy video clip URL Hernandez says he can’t identify his style, he simply paints. Elke Claus, a teaching assistant, approaches the videographer and asks if he has permission to videotape on the premises. She says she is Norwegian and works as a teacher and artist. She teaches at Creative Children’s Academy, the Art Institute, UIC. As an artist she says she works with paper making collages and prints. She notes that at Gallery 37 there are a few teachers who are in charge and that teachers are paid. She notes that all the students have a lot of energy.
07:28Copy video clip URL Videographer interviews Mira Modley, an instructor at Gallery 37. She notes she has a degree from the Art Institute and that this is her first time at Gallery 37. She says there’s so much going on in the program and that there’s a lot of energy. The students sell the work they make and that build self-esteem. She says a decorated park bench sells for four-hundred dollars. Other items will be priced between forty and two-hundred dollars.
09:50Copy video clip URL Modley talks about Hernandez’s work. She shows a chair that a student called Holly painted. She describes the process of designing a pattern for a piece of furniture using the contours of the piece to influence the image selected to paint. She notes that the designs are inspired by many different artists. She notes that Holly’s painting is inspired by the work of artist William Johnson. She also notes that Hip Hop culture influences a lot of teenagers, but at Gallery 37 they try to get away from that. It depends on what kind of influences the teacher brings into the classroom. She tries to bring in images from all over the world: African American, Pacific Northwest Indian, Egyptian, European. When asked if MTV influences the students work one student says no, another says yes. Modley says a lot of them are into graffiti art.
13:21Copy video clip URL Modley says the goal the city has for Gallery 37 is to have students treat the work as a responsible job and produce art for sale. Urban Gateways wants the students to use the program to develop self esteem and build confidence from art.
14:00Copy video clip URL B-roll of a group of teenagers painting a stool with African-inspired designs: a bird and various patterns. One of the teens, Andre Hogan, says the reward from doing this program is honesty, knowledge, compassion, and having fun.
15:34Copy video clip URL Another student, Michael Wallace, shows a bench that he recently completed painting, a portrait of a woman appearing to be lying down on the bench based on a Matisse painting. He says it took a week and a day to complete.
17:05Copy video clip URL Videographer interviews Hernandez as he works. Hernandez thinks it will take four or five days to finish the bench he’s painting.
17:30Copy video clip URL B-roll, establishing shot of Gallery 37 and all its tents situated in a vacant lot.
17:44Copy video clip URL One of the students, Robin Martin, shows her work: a bird bath made from a pottery vase and found objects. She describes how the idea came about, that it came from partnership with a classmate. She went around the street, found objects, and made molds of them.
20:50Copy video clip URL B-roll of the bird bath. Martin says the teachers are great and the kind of guys here are arty. Everyone’s very nice.
22:15Copy video clip URL Interview with Brian Bonebrake, a teachers assistant. He says bird baths like the one Martin is making are topical because of their comment on society, environment. The kids are inspired by their urban environment. They collect what they find on neighborhood streets. He hopes kids gain skills, develop creativity, learn how to mix objects, learn skill in working with glass, learn how to take an idea and make it tangible, and how to make objects relate to one another. He notes that they had some kids they thought would never get a grip on the program, they had low levels of enthusiasm. But now they are greatly improved because they see how art influences everything in life, and how things like science and math are intertwined with art and the creativity found in other fields.
28:20Copy video clip URL Bonebrake introduces himself to camera.
28:41Copy video clip URL Students perform street music, various percussion instruments. B-roll of art murals on the walls, musicians hitting bongos, cow bells and drums.
29:51Copy video clip URL B-roll of music performance, Jamaican style. One kid plays oil drums, others play steel drums.
31:48Copy video clip URL Various shots of cow bells, bongos, and maracas being played.
34:33Copy video clip URL B-roll of cityscape, billboards, Gallery 37 space
35:11Copy video clip URL B-roll of a student-painted chair and painted bench with swirl shapes. B-roll of Hernandez’s chair with a patriotic design painted on it. B-roll of a Japanese-influenced chair and a chair painted with an American Southwest motif.
36:35Copy video clip URL B-roll of various buyers looking a the artwork for sale. B-roll of the outdoor gallery space, various wall murals and people fraternizing and looking at art.
39:09Copy video clip URL B-roll of Gallery 37 outdoor space seen from above — through the windows of a building across the street.
41:21Copy video clip URL B-roll a sign advertising the sale of the gallery’s artwork. B-roll of the “El” train passing by.
41:43Copy video clip URL END
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